There is no freedom of choice for humans,
if it has been taken away from them at the beginning.
Breast-feeding is not a choice,
but an obligation to the choice.
Give your child the freedom of choice

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

UHT, pasteurised and sterilised milk

UHT is a process that uses temperatures not lower than 135‹C for at least 2 seconds to kill all bacteria in milk. The milk is then packed in an enclosed, sterilised environment. It can be kept for 10 months at room temperature if the pack is unopened.

Pasteurised milk is processed at temperatures not lower than 73‹C for at least 15 seconds, then immediately reduced to 4‹C and maintained at that temperature until consumed. It kills only the pathogenic bacteria (bacteria that make you sick). Because of this, pasteurised milk has to be kept refrigerated all the time (even if unopened) and its shelf life is short (4 weeks).

Sterilised milk is treated with a temperature of not lower than 100‹C heating for a length of time. Since it is packaged in bottles, additional treatment of the bottles is required to ensure the sterile condition of the product. As a result, the sterilised milk can be kept for 8 months (if unopened) at room temperature

All liquid milk is equally good and delivers the same nutrients that fulfil growth requirements. Your choice very much depends on circumstances such as convenience, preference in taste or storage choices that you prefer.

makanan sumber kalsium

broccoli.jpgMakanan yang kaya dengan kalsium..(alternatif atau pun sampingan selain susu)

Bagi kanak-kanak berusia 2 tahun ke atas.

  • cheese
  • yoghurt
  • baked bean
  • broccoli
  • sesame seed
  • sardin
  • salmon
  • tofu
  • soybean
  • banana
  • dried figs
  • spinach
  • orange
  • peas
  • black bean
  • oats
  • seaweed
  • wakame
  • sea cucumber


Sunday, February 24, 2008

World Breastfeeding Week 2008


1-7 August 2008


tempoh penyimpanan-info

Diambil dari forum yang mana artikel ini disumbangkan oleh Pn Zatul

p/s:utk melihat secara jelas sila double click kat gambar dibawah

sekian terima kasih


Monday, February 11, 2008

bila supply merudum

Sesuatu yang menakutkan bagi ibu bekerja sepenuh masa yang ingin meneruskan penyusuan susu ibu.

Bagai mana mengatasi?

Berapa kerap perlu mengepam?

Tahukah anda..Masalah ini hanya menjadi masalah jika anda fikirkan ia masalah....

(berbelit ayat)

Tenangkan diri

Cari jalan untuk mengatasi

Antara yang boleh dilakukan

  • kerapkan mengepam-2 jam sekali (jika mampu)
  • Usah fikirkan ada alternatif (susu formula)
  • Kualiti ketika anak menyusu.Pastikan anak menghisap dengan betul.Dalam posisi yang betul
  • Dapatkan nasihat mereka yang pro-breastfeeding.Sedaya upaya elakkan mendapatkan pandangan mereka yang tidak berjaya menyusukan anak Kerana mereka bakal membawa anda ke dunia kegagalan.