There is no freedom of choice for humans,
if it has been taken away from them at the beginning.
Breast-feeding is not a choice,
but an obligation to the choice.
Give your child the freedom of choice

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Monday, December 17, 2007

menyusu di tempat awam

Menyusu anak di tempat awam.Ya breastfeeding

Malu...Perasaan yang tidak dapat dihalang.

Kenapa malu? Kerana diperhatikan...

Pada pandangan saya, menyusu di tempat awam tiada masalah. Di pasarn sekarang banyak dijual pakaian/peralatan untuk ibu-ibu ynag menyusukan anak dengan susuan susu ibu.

Untuk menyusu anak di tempat awam kita boleh kenakan nursing top/blaus ataupun nursing cover.

Di pusat-pusat membeli belah juga ada disediakan nursing room.Boleh susukan anak di sana.

Surau juga boleh dijadikan salah satu spot untuk menyusukan anak.

Dari pengalaman saya.

Saya hanya perlu terkejar-kejar mencari nursing room/ spot sesuai untuk susukan anak, hanya dalam tempoh 6 bulan pertama kelahirannya.

Selepas dia berusia 6 bulan dia sudah mula faham akan situasi.

Saya susukan dia kenyang-kenyang sebelum keluar(susukan dalam kereta) kemudian baru keluar. Kami akan berada diluar dalam tempoh antara feeding. Contohnya dia menyusu setiap 2 jam. Maka selepas 2 jam di luar kami akan pulang dan boleh susukan dia di dalam kereta sekali lagi.

Ketika dia masih kecil saya hanya berkunjung ke premis yang menyediakan nursing room,.Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar.

Kita juga boleh train anak kita dan diri kita menepati masa. Saya selalu menceritakan kepadanya aktiviti kami..

Sebagai contoh jika keuar membeli pakaiannya.

Saya akan beritahu dia

"Ok sekarang minum kenyang-kenyang ya sekejap lagi kita akan pergi beli baju baby....Nanti kat kedai jadi baby yang baik ya...Kalau lapar tahan kejap tau dah habis beli kita boleh nenen ok?"

Selalunya dia akan angguk-angguk..Dan Alhamdulillah berkesan untuk kami....

Dia memang tidak akan meminta disusukan di tempat awam tetapi sebaik sahaja masuk ke kereta dia akan minta...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

stokNet- very informative on breastfeeding.

I love this site.


Antara yang menarik..


Helen: How long can breast milk be stored and should it be stored in a bag or in a bottle RTU?

Anne: I'm assuming that "RTU" means "ready to use." Breastmilk can be safely stored in glass, hard plastic bottles, plastic freezer bags, or polyethylene milk storage bags especially designed for storing breast milk.

You may want to freeze your milk in ice cube trays. Clean the tray first with hot soapy water and air dry. Each cube is about an ounce, so you can pop out as many ounces as you want and put them into freezer bags. They are great to have on hand for snack or cereal feedings when you just need an extra ounce or two.

Whenever it is possible, give your baby fresh milk that has been refrigerated, not frozen. Freezing kills some of the live cells and antibodies in human milk, but not all of them. Since formula doesn't have any of these anti-infective properties to begin with, frozen milk is still better for him than formula. If you are planning to use the milk within eight days, refrigerate it rather than freezing it.

Because human milk is a living substance, its antibacterial properties help it stay fresh longer than formula. How long you can store it depends on the temperature.

* Freshly expressed milk can be stored at room temperature for up to ten hours. Colostrum or milk expressed within one week of delivery can be stored for twelve hours at room temperature. However, whenever possible, milk should be placed in the refrigerator soon after expressing.
* Fresh milk can be kept in the refrigerator for up to eight days. Store it toward the back.
* Fresh milk can be stored in a cooler with icepacks for up to 24 hours.
* Fresh milk can be placed in a freezer compartment inside a fridge for up to 2 weeks. (These are usually only found in older type refrigerators).
* Fresh milk can be kept in a self-contained freezer compartment for 3-6 months, depending on how often the door is opened. Store it toward the back.
* Fresh milk can be stored in a separate chest type deep freeze for 6-12 months.
* Milk that has been frozen and thawed can be kept in the fridge for 24 hours. Thawed milk should not be refrozen.

With all these guidelines, remember that fresh milk which has been stored at room temperature or in a cooler before being placed in the fridge or freezer may not keep as long. That's why you should always place milk in the fridge as soon as possible after expressing it.

The guidelines on storing breastmilk have been revised over the last few years. There is still a lot of old information out there, so don't be surprised if the guidelines above tell you something different from what you have read in books or seen in a pamphlet that you picked up in your doctor's office.



Helen: How long can breast milk be stored and should it be stored in a bag or in a bottle RTU?

Anne: I'm assuming that "RTU" means "ready to use." Breastmilk can be safely stored in glass, hard plastic bottles, plastic freezer bags, or polyethylene milk storage bags especially designed for storing breast milk.

You may want to freeze your milk in ice cube trays. Clean the tray first with hot soapy water and air dry. Each cube is about an ounce, so you can pop out as many ounces as you want and put them into freezer bags. They are great to have on hand for snack or cereal feedings when you just need an extra ounce or two.

Whenever it is possible, give your baby fresh milk that has been refrigerated, not frozen. Freezing kills some of the live cells and antibodies in human milk, but not all of them. Since formula doesn't have any of these anti-infective properties to begin with, frozen milk is still better for him than formula. If you are planning to use the milk within eight days, refrigerate it rather than freezing it.

Because human milk is a living substance, its antibacterial properties help it stay fresh longer than formula. How long you can store it depends on the temperature.

* Freshly expressed milk can be stored at room temperature for up to ten hours. Colostrum or milk expressed within one week of delivery can be stored for twelve hours at room temperature. However, whenever possible, milk should be placed in the refrigerator soon after expressing.
* Fresh milk can be kept in the refrigerator for up to eight days. Store it toward the back.
* Fresh milk can be stored in a cooler with icepacks for up to 24 hours.
* Fresh milk can be placed in a freezer compartment inside a fridge for up to 2 weeks. (These are usually only found in older type refrigerators).
* Fresh milk can be kept in a self-contained freezer compartment for 3-6 months, depending on how often the door is opened. Store it toward the back.
* Fresh milk can be stored in a separate chest type deep freeze for 6-12 months.
* Milk that has been frozen and thawed can be kept in the fridge for 24 hours. Thawed milk should not be refrozen.

With all these guidelines, remember that fresh milk which has been stored at room temperature or in a cooler before being placed in the fridge or freezer may not keep as long. That's why you should always place milk in the fridge as soon as possible after expressing it.

The guidelines on storing breastmilk have been revised over the last few years. There is still a lot of old information out there, so don't be surprised if the guidelines above tell you something different from what you have read in books or seen in a pamphlet that you picked up in your doctor's office.

Laura: I am going to be storing some breastmilk for times that I might not be at home so that my son's father might be able to offer him a bottle. I am using the new Avent Bottle... And the question that I have is how long can you store breastmilk in the refrigerator and or freezer... Thank you in advance for your help.

Anne: You'll find that there is some conflicting information out there about storing breastmilk. The official guidelines keep changing every few years, and there is still a lot of outdated information floating around.

The experts used to say that you could store milk in the fridge for 24 hours, then they said 48 hours, then 72 hours, and now they say that it will safely keep for up to 8 days. They used to think that because human milk wasn't pasteurized like cow's milk, then it would spoil faster than formula. Now we know that because of the live cells and antibodies in human milk that limit the growth of bacteria, it actually stays fresh much longer than cow's milk or formula.

Current general guidelines are this: fresh milk will keep in the fridge up to 8 days, and frozen milk will keep 3-4 months in a regular freezer compartment with a separate door, and in a chest type deep freezer, 6-12 months.

Always use fresh milk when you can, because freezing the milk will kill some of the live cells. Frozen breastmilk is still better than formula, because freezing doesn't kill all the cells, and formula doesn't have any to begin with.

For more info click HERE

Anne Smith, IBCLC

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

mitos-Modern formulas are almost the same as breastmilk.

Modern formulas are almost the same as breastmilk.

Not true !

The same claim was made in 1900 and before. Modern formulas are only superficially similar to breastmilk. Every correction of a deficiency in formulas is advertised as an advance. Fundamentally, formulas are inexact copies based on outdated and incomplete knowledge of what breast milk is. Formulas contain no antibodies, no living cells, no enzymes, no hormones. They contain much more aluminum, manganese, cadmium, lead and iron than breastmilk. They contain significantly more protein than breastmilk. The proteins and fats are fundamentally different from those in breastmilk. Formulas do not vary from the beginning of the feed to the end of the feed, or from day 1 to day 7 to day 30, or from woman to woman, or from baby to baby. Your breastmilk is made as required to suit your baby. Formulas are made to suit every baby, and thus no baby. Formulas succeed only at making babies grow well, usually, but there is more to breastfeeding than nutrients.

mitos-Many women do not produce enough milk

Many women do not produce enough milk.

Not true !

The vast majority of women produce more than enough milk. Indeed, an overabundance of milk is common. Most babies that gain too slowly, or lose weight, do so not because the mother does not have enough milk, but because the baby does not get the milk that the mother has. The usual reason that the baby does not get the milk that is available is that he is poorly latched onto the breast. This is why it is so important that the mother be shown, on the first day, how to latch a baby on properly, by someone who knows what they are doing.

mitos-milk dry up?

Breastfeeding mothers' milk can "dry up" just like that.

Not true!

Or if this can occur, it must be a rare occurrence. Aside from day to day and morning to evening variations, milk production does not change suddenly. There are changes which occur which may make it seem as if milk production is suddenly much less:

* An increase in the needs of the baby, the so-called growth spurt . If this is the reason for the seemingly insufficient milk, a few days of more frequent nursing will bring things back to normal. Try compressing the breast with your hand to help the baby get milk

* A change in the baby's behaviour . At about five to six weeks of age, more or less, babies who would fall asleep at the breast when the flow of milk slowed down, tend to start pulling at the breast or crying when the milk flow slows. The milk has not dried up, but the baby has changed. Try using breast compression to help the baby get more milk.

* The mother's breasts do not seem full or are soft . It is normal after a few weeks for the mother no longer to have engorgement, or even fullness of the breasts. As long as the baby is drinking at the breast, do not be concerned

* The baby breastfeeds less well. This is often due to the baby being given bottles or pacifiers and thus learning an inappropriate way of breastfeeding.

The birth control pill may decrease your milk supply. Think about stopping the pill or changing to a progesterone only pill. Or use other methods. Other drugs that can decrease milk supply are pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), some antihistamines, and perhaps diuretics.

If the baby truly seems not to be getting enough, get help, but do not introduce a bottle that may only make things worse. If absolutely necessary, the baby can be supplemented, using a lactation aid that will not interfere with breastfeeding. However, lots can be done before giving supplements. Get help. Try compressing the breast with your hand to help the baby get milk

mitos- Breastfeeding for 2-4 years

Breastfeeding a child until 3 or 4 years of age is abnormal and bad for the child, causing an overdependent relationship between mother and child.

Not true !

Breastfeeding for 2-4 years was the rule in most cultures since the beginning of human time on this planet. Only in the last 100 years or so has breastfeeding been seen as something to be limited. Children nursed into the third year are not overly dependent. On the contrary, they tend to be very secure and thus more independent. They themselves will make the step to stop breastfeeding (with gentle encouragement from the mother), and thus will be secure in their accomplishment.

Note: I love this artikel very much!!!

mitos- permakanan ibu

A breastfeeding mother has to be obsessive about what she eats.

Not true !

A breastfeeding mother should try to eat a balanced diet, but neither needs to eat any special foods nor avoid certain foods. A breastfeeding mother does not need to drink milk in order to make milk. A breastfeeding mother does not need to avoid spicy foods, garlic, cabbage or alcohol. A breastfeeding mother should eat a normal healthful diet. Although there are situations when something the mother eats may affect the baby, this is unusual. Most commonly, "colic", "gassiness" and crying can be improved by changing breastfeeding techniques, rather than changing the mother's diet.

mitos 4- inverted nipple

Women with flat or inverted nipples cannot breastfeed.

Not true !

Babies do not breastfeed on nipples, they breastfeed on the breast. Though it may be easier for a baby to latch on to a breast with a prominent nipple, it is not necessary for nipples to stick out. A proper start will usually prevent problems and mothers with any shaped nipples can breastfeed perfectly adequately. In the past, a nipple shield was frequently suggested to get the baby to take the breast. This gadget should not be used, especially in the first few days! Though it may seem a solution, its use can result in poor feeding and severe weight loss, and makes it even more difficult to get the baby to take the breast.. If the baby does not take the breast at first, with proper help, he will often take the breast later. Breasts also change in the first few weeks, and as long as the mother maintains a good milk supply, the baby will usually latch on by 8 weeks of age no matter what, but get help and the baby may latch on before.

mitos 3- bayi dan diarrhea

A baby with diarrhea should not breastfeed.

Not true !

The best treatment for a gut infection (gastroenteritis) is breastfeeding. Furthermore, it is very unusual for the baby to require fluids other than breastmilk. If lactose intolerance is a problem, the baby can receive lactase drops, available without prescription, just before or after the feeding, but this is rarely necessary in breastfeeding babies. Get information on its use from the clinic. In any case, lactose intolerance due to gastroenteritis will disappear with time. Lactose free formula is not better than breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is better than any formula.

mitos 2- mengempeng

Babies will stay on the breast for two hours because they like to suck. Not true !

Babies need and like to suck, but how much do they need? Most babies who stay at the breast for such a long time are probably hungry, even though they may be gaining well. Being on the breast is not the same as drinking at the breast. Latching the baby better onto the breast allows the baby to nurse more effectively, and thus spend more time actually drinking. You can also help the baby to drink more by expressing milk into his mouth when he is no longer swallows on his own. Babies younger than 5-6 weeks often fall asleep at the breast because the flow of milk is slow, not necessarily because they have had enough to eat.

mitos 1- Bayi dan botol

Babies need to know how to take a bottle. Therefore a bottle should always be introduced before the baby refuses to take one.
Not true !
Though many mothers decide to introduce a bottle for various reasons, there is no reason a baby must learn how to use one. Indeed, there is no great advantage in a baby's taking a bottle. Since Canadian women are supposed to receive 52 weeks maternity leave, the baby can start eating solids around 6 months, well before the mother goes back to her outside work. The baby can even take fluids or solids that are quite liquid off a spoon. At about 6 months of age, the baby can start learning how to drink from a cup, and though it may take several weeks for him to learn to use it efficiently, he will learn. If the mother is going to introduce a bottle, it is better she wait until the baby has been nursing well for 4-6 weeks, and then give it only occasionally. Sometimes, however, babies who take the bottle well at 6 weeks, refuse it at 3 or 4 months even if they have been getting bottles regularly (smart babies). Do not worry, and proceed as above with solids and spoon. Giving a bottle when breastfeeding is not going well is not a good idea and usually makes the breastfeeding even more difficult. For your sake and the baby's do not try to "starve the baby into submission". Get help.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

kesan gula ke atas diet kanak-kanak

sila rujuk artikel ini untuk maklumat lanjut

sugar and children diet

Sebaik-baiknya dielakan memberi anak kecil makan makanan yang manis-manis. Mengambil makan manis berlebihan boleh, merosakkan gigi, diabetes dan pelbagai lagi penyakit berbahaya.

Alhamdulillah..anak kami tidak suka makanan yang manis-manis. Dia hanya makan makanan yang manis asli, ataupun tak makan langsung!

Saya memang tidak pernah 'mengajar' dia memakan makanan manis. (garam pun dikenalkan bila dia sudah setahun 6 bulan lebih..)

Insya Allah nanti dia sudah besar dia akan makan makanan manis juga jadi semasa kecil ini seboleh-bolehnya saya ingin meminimakan pengambilan makanan manis dalam dietnya.

Bolehkah bayi membesar dengan hanya meminum susu ibu?

Apakah pendapat anda?

Kini ramai yang bertanya "Bolehkah bayi membesar hanya dengan minum susu ibu?"

Ada yang memberi pelbagai alasan yang cenderung kepada 'tak boleh'

Namun pendapat saya..."boleh"

Kenapa saya kata boleh?

Baiklah mari kita rujuk jenis najis ini...

Iaitu najis ringan seperti air kencing kanak-kanak lelaki yang berumur 2 tahun kebawah dan hanya minum susu ibunya sahaja. Cara menyucikannya ialah memadai dengan memercikkan air ke atas benda yang terkena najis itu kemudian lapkannya

Saya bukan hendak menceritakan tentang najis tetapi ingin saya ajak semua memikirkan tentang

'air kencing kanak-kanak lelaki yang berumur 2 tahun kebawah dan hanya minum susu ibunya sahaja'

Apa yang tersitat di sini?

Yaa..kanak-kanak yang berumur 2 tahun ke bawah boleh hidup dengan hanya minum susu ibu. Jika bayi itu HANYA minum susu ibu air kencingnya adalah najis ringan!

Antara yang tersirat adalah tentang tahap umur yang Insya Allah dijanjikan boleh hidup dengan hanya minum susu ibu!Maaf saya tidak pandai mengolah ayat agar senang difahami.

(Harus diingat DIA tidak jadikan sesuatu untuk menyusahkan makhlukNYA...)

Yaa..Ibu bapa tidak berdosa jika tidak menyusukan anak dengan susu ibu hingga 2 tahun. Tetapi susu ibu tetap menjadi makanan terbaik bayi 2 tahun ke bawah.

Bagi ibu yang menyusukan anak pula pengambilan makanan yang penuh dengan khasiat yang diperlukan oleh tubuh adalah satu kemestian. Ini adalah bagi memastikan susu yang dihasilkan adalah susu yang benar2 berkualiti kaya dengan zat-zat yang anak anda perlukan.

dugaan diri sendiri

Dalam menyusukan anak ini..Dugaan paling utama adalah diri sendiri.

Kalau kita dapat 'lawan' diri kita insya Allah kita berjaya.

Setakat ini Akif dah 3 kali admitted kerana..

1. demam panas

2. jatuh

3. demam

Dan setiap kali itulah saya akan terfikir..Salah akukah?salah susukah?

Kita harus akur itu semua dugaan Allah...

Dia bukan sakit kerana susu yang diminumnya..itu yang pasti..Kerana waktu dia sakit dia hanya minum susu itu ..Dia menolak makanan dan minuman lain kecuali susu itu....

Jadi ibu-ibu..jika anak anda yang ada susukan kerap sakit usah anda sangsi dengan susu anda....

Bagi saya andainya susu itu tidak sesuai untuknya kenapa dia boleh 'recover' sedangkan makanan utama dia adalah susu itu...Susu itu tetap yang terbaik buat dia...Bravo breastmilk! Air hikmat anugerah Illahi buat makhlukNya yang suci bersih!