There is no freedom of choice for humans,
if it has been taken away from them at the beginning.
Breast-feeding is not a choice,
but an obligation to the choice.
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Thursday, March 30, 2006

Not Enough Milk

An insufficient milk supply can have a number of factors. Commonly, a low milk supply is caused by improper breastfeeding techniques. These include long intervals between feedings (>4 hours), short feedings (<10 minutes), overuse of supplementary feedings, overuse of a pacifier, prolonged separation of mother and baby leading to unrelieved engorgement, incorrect position and poor latch-on. Sometimes, a sick or otherwise compromised baby may not be able to effectively breastfeed, leading to a low milk supply. Rarely, the problem is a true physiological one. Women with a history of breast surgery are at an increased risk of having a low milk supply, particularly if nerves and milk ducts were severed during the procedure. Treatment of a low milk supply centers on frequent and complete removal of the milk from the breast.

Breastfeed your baby frequently, averaging 2 to 3 hours from the start of one feeding to the start of the next. . Your baby may occasionally need to eat more often.
Breastfeed your baby between 8 and 12 times in a 24-hour period.
Breastfeed your baby on the first side until it is empty, or until your baby unlatches after at least 10 minutes of feeding after the letdown. Then switch sides and nurse your baby until he or she is content.
If your baby only takes one breast at a feeding, it is important to pump the un-nursed breast to stimulate the milk supply.
If you will be separated from your baby for more than 4 hours, it is very important that you pump during this time apart.
While trying to establish a good milk supply, it will be necessary to nurse or pump during the night. A newborn can have one 4 to 5-hour stretch of nighttime sleep without needing to be awakened.
Stay healthy by eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of fluids and getting your rest. However, excess fluid intake will not increase milk supply.
In addition to an increased feeding and pumping routine, taking fenugreek may also help boost your supply. Fenugreek is an herb that has been used since Hippocrates practiced "medicine". It is believed to be safe for mothers and babies.
If a low milk supply continues to be a problem, your OB or midwife may prescribe Reglan, a medication scientifically proven to increase milk production.

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