There is no freedom of choice for humans,
if it has been taken away from them at the beginning.
Breast-feeding is not a choice,
but an obligation to the choice.
Give your child the freedom of choice

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Monday, December 17, 2007

menyusu di tempat awam

Menyusu anak di tempat awam.Ya breastfeeding

Malu...Perasaan yang tidak dapat dihalang.

Kenapa malu? Kerana diperhatikan...

Pada pandangan saya, menyusu di tempat awam tiada masalah. Di pasarn sekarang banyak dijual pakaian/peralatan untuk ibu-ibu ynag menyusukan anak dengan susuan susu ibu.

Untuk menyusu anak di tempat awam kita boleh kenakan nursing top/blaus ataupun nursing cover.

Di pusat-pusat membeli belah juga ada disediakan nursing room.Boleh susukan anak di sana.

Surau juga boleh dijadikan salah satu spot untuk menyusukan anak.

Dari pengalaman saya.

Saya hanya perlu terkejar-kejar mencari nursing room/ spot sesuai untuk susukan anak, hanya dalam tempoh 6 bulan pertama kelahirannya.

Selepas dia berusia 6 bulan dia sudah mula faham akan situasi.

Saya susukan dia kenyang-kenyang sebelum keluar(susukan dalam kereta) kemudian baru keluar. Kami akan berada diluar dalam tempoh antara feeding. Contohnya dia menyusu setiap 2 jam. Maka selepas 2 jam di luar kami akan pulang dan boleh susukan dia di dalam kereta sekali lagi.

Ketika dia masih kecil saya hanya berkunjung ke premis yang menyediakan nursing room,.Alhamdulillah semuanya berjalan lancar.

Kita juga boleh train anak kita dan diri kita menepati masa. Saya selalu menceritakan kepadanya aktiviti kami..

Sebagai contoh jika keuar membeli pakaiannya.

Saya akan beritahu dia

"Ok sekarang minum kenyang-kenyang ya sekejap lagi kita akan pergi beli baju baby....Nanti kat kedai jadi baby yang baik ya...Kalau lapar tahan kejap tau dah habis beli kita boleh nenen ok?"

Selalunya dia akan angguk-angguk..Dan Alhamdulillah berkesan untuk kami....

Dia memang tidak akan meminta disusukan di tempat awam tetapi sebaik sahaja masuk ke kereta dia akan minta...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

stokNet- very informative on breastfeeding.

I love this site.


Antara yang menarik..


Helen: How long can breast milk be stored and should it be stored in a bag or in a bottle RTU?

Anne: I'm assuming that "RTU" means "ready to use." Breastmilk can be safely stored in glass, hard plastic bottles, plastic freezer bags, or polyethylene milk storage bags especially designed for storing breast milk.

You may want to freeze your milk in ice cube trays. Clean the tray first with hot soapy water and air dry. Each cube is about an ounce, so you can pop out as many ounces as you want and put them into freezer bags. They are great to have on hand for snack or cereal feedings when you just need an extra ounce or two.

Whenever it is possible, give your baby fresh milk that has been refrigerated, not frozen. Freezing kills some of the live cells and antibodies in human milk, but not all of them. Since formula doesn't have any of these anti-infective properties to begin with, frozen milk is still better for him than formula. If you are planning to use the milk within eight days, refrigerate it rather than freezing it.

Because human milk is a living substance, its antibacterial properties help it stay fresh longer than formula. How long you can store it depends on the temperature.

* Freshly expressed milk can be stored at room temperature for up to ten hours. Colostrum or milk expressed within one week of delivery can be stored for twelve hours at room temperature. However, whenever possible, milk should be placed in the refrigerator soon after expressing.
* Fresh milk can be kept in the refrigerator for up to eight days. Store it toward the back.
* Fresh milk can be stored in a cooler with icepacks for up to 24 hours.
* Fresh milk can be placed in a freezer compartment inside a fridge for up to 2 weeks. (These are usually only found in older type refrigerators).
* Fresh milk can be kept in a self-contained freezer compartment for 3-6 months, depending on how often the door is opened. Store it toward the back.
* Fresh milk can be stored in a separate chest type deep freeze for 6-12 months.
* Milk that has been frozen and thawed can be kept in the fridge for 24 hours. Thawed milk should not be refrozen.

With all these guidelines, remember that fresh milk which has been stored at room temperature or in a cooler before being placed in the fridge or freezer may not keep as long. That's why you should always place milk in the fridge as soon as possible after expressing it.

The guidelines on storing breastmilk have been revised over the last few years. There is still a lot of old information out there, so don't be surprised if the guidelines above tell you something different from what you have read in books or seen in a pamphlet that you picked up in your doctor's office.



Helen: How long can breast milk be stored and should it be stored in a bag or in a bottle RTU?

Anne: I'm assuming that "RTU" means "ready to use." Breastmilk can be safely stored in glass, hard plastic bottles, plastic freezer bags, or polyethylene milk storage bags especially designed for storing breast milk.

You may want to freeze your milk in ice cube trays. Clean the tray first with hot soapy water and air dry. Each cube is about an ounce, so you can pop out as many ounces as you want and put them into freezer bags. They are great to have on hand for snack or cereal feedings when you just need an extra ounce or two.

Whenever it is possible, give your baby fresh milk that has been refrigerated, not frozen. Freezing kills some of the live cells and antibodies in human milk, but not all of them. Since formula doesn't have any of these anti-infective properties to begin with, frozen milk is still better for him than formula. If you are planning to use the milk within eight days, refrigerate it rather than freezing it.

Because human milk is a living substance, its antibacterial properties help it stay fresh longer than formula. How long you can store it depends on the temperature.

* Freshly expressed milk can be stored at room temperature for up to ten hours. Colostrum or milk expressed within one week of delivery can be stored for twelve hours at room temperature. However, whenever possible, milk should be placed in the refrigerator soon after expressing.
* Fresh milk can be kept in the refrigerator for up to eight days. Store it toward the back.
* Fresh milk can be stored in a cooler with icepacks for up to 24 hours.
* Fresh milk can be placed in a freezer compartment inside a fridge for up to 2 weeks. (These are usually only found in older type refrigerators).
* Fresh milk can be kept in a self-contained freezer compartment for 3-6 months, depending on how often the door is opened. Store it toward the back.
* Fresh milk can be stored in a separate chest type deep freeze for 6-12 months.
* Milk that has been frozen and thawed can be kept in the fridge for 24 hours. Thawed milk should not be refrozen.

With all these guidelines, remember that fresh milk which has been stored at room temperature or in a cooler before being placed in the fridge or freezer may not keep as long. That's why you should always place milk in the fridge as soon as possible after expressing it.

The guidelines on storing breastmilk have been revised over the last few years. There is still a lot of old information out there, so don't be surprised if the guidelines above tell you something different from what you have read in books or seen in a pamphlet that you picked up in your doctor's office.

Laura: I am going to be storing some breastmilk for times that I might not be at home so that my son's father might be able to offer him a bottle. I am using the new Avent Bottle... And the question that I have is how long can you store breastmilk in the refrigerator and or freezer... Thank you in advance for your help.

Anne: You'll find that there is some conflicting information out there about storing breastmilk. The official guidelines keep changing every few years, and there is still a lot of outdated information floating around.

The experts used to say that you could store milk in the fridge for 24 hours, then they said 48 hours, then 72 hours, and now they say that it will safely keep for up to 8 days. They used to think that because human milk wasn't pasteurized like cow's milk, then it would spoil faster than formula. Now we know that because of the live cells and antibodies in human milk that limit the growth of bacteria, it actually stays fresh much longer than cow's milk or formula.

Current general guidelines are this: fresh milk will keep in the fridge up to 8 days, and frozen milk will keep 3-4 months in a regular freezer compartment with a separate door, and in a chest type deep freezer, 6-12 months.

Always use fresh milk when you can, because freezing the milk will kill some of the live cells. Frozen breastmilk is still better than formula, because freezing doesn't kill all the cells, and formula doesn't have any to begin with.

For more info click HERE

Anne Smith, IBCLC

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

mitos-Modern formulas are almost the same as breastmilk.

Modern formulas are almost the same as breastmilk.

Not true !

The same claim was made in 1900 and before. Modern formulas are only superficially similar to breastmilk. Every correction of a deficiency in formulas is advertised as an advance. Fundamentally, formulas are inexact copies based on outdated and incomplete knowledge of what breast milk is. Formulas contain no antibodies, no living cells, no enzymes, no hormones. They contain much more aluminum, manganese, cadmium, lead and iron than breastmilk. They contain significantly more protein than breastmilk. The proteins and fats are fundamentally different from those in breastmilk. Formulas do not vary from the beginning of the feed to the end of the feed, or from day 1 to day 7 to day 30, or from woman to woman, or from baby to baby. Your breastmilk is made as required to suit your baby. Formulas are made to suit every baby, and thus no baby. Formulas succeed only at making babies grow well, usually, but there is more to breastfeeding than nutrients.

mitos-Many women do not produce enough milk

Many women do not produce enough milk.

Not true !

The vast majority of women produce more than enough milk. Indeed, an overabundance of milk is common. Most babies that gain too slowly, or lose weight, do so not because the mother does not have enough milk, but because the baby does not get the milk that the mother has. The usual reason that the baby does not get the milk that is available is that he is poorly latched onto the breast. This is why it is so important that the mother be shown, on the first day, how to latch a baby on properly, by someone who knows what they are doing.

mitos-milk dry up?

Breastfeeding mothers' milk can "dry up" just like that.

Not true!

Or if this can occur, it must be a rare occurrence. Aside from day to day and morning to evening variations, milk production does not change suddenly. There are changes which occur which may make it seem as if milk production is suddenly much less:

* An increase in the needs of the baby, the so-called growth spurt . If this is the reason for the seemingly insufficient milk, a few days of more frequent nursing will bring things back to normal. Try compressing the breast with your hand to help the baby get milk

* A change in the baby's behaviour . At about five to six weeks of age, more or less, babies who would fall asleep at the breast when the flow of milk slowed down, tend to start pulling at the breast or crying when the milk flow slows. The milk has not dried up, but the baby has changed. Try using breast compression to help the baby get more milk.

* The mother's breasts do not seem full or are soft . It is normal after a few weeks for the mother no longer to have engorgement, or even fullness of the breasts. As long as the baby is drinking at the breast, do not be concerned

* The baby breastfeeds less well. This is often due to the baby being given bottles or pacifiers and thus learning an inappropriate way of breastfeeding.

The birth control pill may decrease your milk supply. Think about stopping the pill or changing to a progesterone only pill. Or use other methods. Other drugs that can decrease milk supply are pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), some antihistamines, and perhaps diuretics.

If the baby truly seems not to be getting enough, get help, but do not introduce a bottle that may only make things worse. If absolutely necessary, the baby can be supplemented, using a lactation aid that will not interfere with breastfeeding. However, lots can be done before giving supplements. Get help. Try compressing the breast with your hand to help the baby get milk

mitos- Breastfeeding for 2-4 years

Breastfeeding a child until 3 or 4 years of age is abnormal and bad for the child, causing an overdependent relationship between mother and child.

Not true !

Breastfeeding for 2-4 years was the rule in most cultures since the beginning of human time on this planet. Only in the last 100 years or so has breastfeeding been seen as something to be limited. Children nursed into the third year are not overly dependent. On the contrary, they tend to be very secure and thus more independent. They themselves will make the step to stop breastfeeding (with gentle encouragement from the mother), and thus will be secure in their accomplishment.

Note: I love this artikel very much!!!

mitos- permakanan ibu

A breastfeeding mother has to be obsessive about what she eats.

Not true !

A breastfeeding mother should try to eat a balanced diet, but neither needs to eat any special foods nor avoid certain foods. A breastfeeding mother does not need to drink milk in order to make milk. A breastfeeding mother does not need to avoid spicy foods, garlic, cabbage or alcohol. A breastfeeding mother should eat a normal healthful diet. Although there are situations when something the mother eats may affect the baby, this is unusual. Most commonly, "colic", "gassiness" and crying can be improved by changing breastfeeding techniques, rather than changing the mother's diet.

mitos 4- inverted nipple

Women with flat or inverted nipples cannot breastfeed.

Not true !

Babies do not breastfeed on nipples, they breastfeed on the breast. Though it may be easier for a baby to latch on to a breast with a prominent nipple, it is not necessary for nipples to stick out. A proper start will usually prevent problems and mothers with any shaped nipples can breastfeed perfectly adequately. In the past, a nipple shield was frequently suggested to get the baby to take the breast. This gadget should not be used, especially in the first few days! Though it may seem a solution, its use can result in poor feeding and severe weight loss, and makes it even more difficult to get the baby to take the breast.. If the baby does not take the breast at first, with proper help, he will often take the breast later. Breasts also change in the first few weeks, and as long as the mother maintains a good milk supply, the baby will usually latch on by 8 weeks of age no matter what, but get help and the baby may latch on before.

mitos 3- bayi dan diarrhea

A baby with diarrhea should not breastfeed.

Not true !

The best treatment for a gut infection (gastroenteritis) is breastfeeding. Furthermore, it is very unusual for the baby to require fluids other than breastmilk. If lactose intolerance is a problem, the baby can receive lactase drops, available without prescription, just before or after the feeding, but this is rarely necessary in breastfeeding babies. Get information on its use from the clinic. In any case, lactose intolerance due to gastroenteritis will disappear with time. Lactose free formula is not better than breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is better than any formula.

mitos 2- mengempeng

Babies will stay on the breast for two hours because they like to suck. Not true !

Babies need and like to suck, but how much do they need? Most babies who stay at the breast for such a long time are probably hungry, even though they may be gaining well. Being on the breast is not the same as drinking at the breast. Latching the baby better onto the breast allows the baby to nurse more effectively, and thus spend more time actually drinking. You can also help the baby to drink more by expressing milk into his mouth when he is no longer swallows on his own. Babies younger than 5-6 weeks often fall asleep at the breast because the flow of milk is slow, not necessarily because they have had enough to eat.

mitos 1- Bayi dan botol

Babies need to know how to take a bottle. Therefore a bottle should always be introduced before the baby refuses to take one.
Not true !
Though many mothers decide to introduce a bottle for various reasons, there is no reason a baby must learn how to use one. Indeed, there is no great advantage in a baby's taking a bottle. Since Canadian women are supposed to receive 52 weeks maternity leave, the baby can start eating solids around 6 months, well before the mother goes back to her outside work. The baby can even take fluids or solids that are quite liquid off a spoon. At about 6 months of age, the baby can start learning how to drink from a cup, and though it may take several weeks for him to learn to use it efficiently, he will learn. If the mother is going to introduce a bottle, it is better she wait until the baby has been nursing well for 4-6 weeks, and then give it only occasionally. Sometimes, however, babies who take the bottle well at 6 weeks, refuse it at 3 or 4 months even if they have been getting bottles regularly (smart babies). Do not worry, and proceed as above with solids and spoon. Giving a bottle when breastfeeding is not going well is not a good idea and usually makes the breastfeeding even more difficult. For your sake and the baby's do not try to "starve the baby into submission". Get help.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

kesan gula ke atas diet kanak-kanak

sila rujuk artikel ini untuk maklumat lanjut

sugar and children diet

Sebaik-baiknya dielakan memberi anak kecil makan makanan yang manis-manis. Mengambil makan manis berlebihan boleh, merosakkan gigi, diabetes dan pelbagai lagi penyakit berbahaya.

Alhamdulillah..anak kami tidak suka makanan yang manis-manis. Dia hanya makan makanan yang manis asli, ataupun tak makan langsung!

Saya memang tidak pernah 'mengajar' dia memakan makanan manis. (garam pun dikenalkan bila dia sudah setahun 6 bulan lebih..)

Insya Allah nanti dia sudah besar dia akan makan makanan manis juga jadi semasa kecil ini seboleh-bolehnya saya ingin meminimakan pengambilan makanan manis dalam dietnya.

Bolehkah bayi membesar dengan hanya meminum susu ibu?

Apakah pendapat anda?

Kini ramai yang bertanya "Bolehkah bayi membesar hanya dengan minum susu ibu?"

Ada yang memberi pelbagai alasan yang cenderung kepada 'tak boleh'

Namun pendapat saya..."boleh"

Kenapa saya kata boleh?

Baiklah mari kita rujuk jenis najis ini...

Iaitu najis ringan seperti air kencing kanak-kanak lelaki yang berumur 2 tahun kebawah dan hanya minum susu ibunya sahaja. Cara menyucikannya ialah memadai dengan memercikkan air ke atas benda yang terkena najis itu kemudian lapkannya

Saya bukan hendak menceritakan tentang najis tetapi ingin saya ajak semua memikirkan tentang

'air kencing kanak-kanak lelaki yang berumur 2 tahun kebawah dan hanya minum susu ibunya sahaja'

Apa yang tersitat di sini?

Yaa..kanak-kanak yang berumur 2 tahun ke bawah boleh hidup dengan hanya minum susu ibu. Jika bayi itu HANYA minum susu ibu air kencingnya adalah najis ringan!

Antara yang tersirat adalah tentang tahap umur yang Insya Allah dijanjikan boleh hidup dengan hanya minum susu ibu!Maaf saya tidak pandai mengolah ayat agar senang difahami.

(Harus diingat DIA tidak jadikan sesuatu untuk menyusahkan makhlukNYA...)

Yaa..Ibu bapa tidak berdosa jika tidak menyusukan anak dengan susu ibu hingga 2 tahun. Tetapi susu ibu tetap menjadi makanan terbaik bayi 2 tahun ke bawah.

Bagi ibu yang menyusukan anak pula pengambilan makanan yang penuh dengan khasiat yang diperlukan oleh tubuh adalah satu kemestian. Ini adalah bagi memastikan susu yang dihasilkan adalah susu yang benar2 berkualiti kaya dengan zat-zat yang anak anda perlukan.

dugaan diri sendiri

Dalam menyusukan anak ini..Dugaan paling utama adalah diri sendiri.

Kalau kita dapat 'lawan' diri kita insya Allah kita berjaya.

Setakat ini Akif dah 3 kali admitted kerana..

1. demam panas

2. jatuh

3. demam

Dan setiap kali itulah saya akan terfikir..Salah akukah?salah susukah?

Kita harus akur itu semua dugaan Allah...

Dia bukan sakit kerana susu yang diminumnya..itu yang pasti..Kerana waktu dia sakit dia hanya minum susu itu ..Dia menolak makanan dan minuman lain kecuali susu itu....

Jadi ibu-ibu..jika anak anda yang ada susukan kerap sakit usah anda sangsi dengan susu anda....

Bagi saya andainya susu itu tidak sesuai untuknya kenapa dia boleh 'recover' sedangkan makanan utama dia adalah susu itu...Susu itu tetap yang terbaik buat dia...Bravo breastmilk! Air hikmat anugerah Illahi buat makhlukNya yang suci bersih!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sendawakan bayi

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Menamatkan penyusuan

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menyusu anak kembar

sumber: Majalah Pa&Ma Ogos 2006


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posisi menyusukan

sumber: Majalah Pa&Ma Ogos 2006

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Menyusu dengan betul


Majalah Pa&Ma Ogos 2006

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Cadangan Pengurusan EBM

Berikut adalah cadangan saya bagi mereka yang dalam dilema dalam menguruskan EBM.

  • Yang mana nak guna dulu?
  • Basically ikut prinsip first in first out.

Tapi bagi kes risau susu tak habis membazir dan sebagainya. Bolehlah guna 50% susu fresh dan 50% susu beku.


  • malam tu keluarkan susu beku dr bahagian beku letak ke bahagian sejuk.
  • Manakala susu fresh pula susu yang diperah semalam diletakkan di ruangan sejuk peti ais sahaja.
  • Berikan susu beku yang dicairkan terlebih dahulu.
  • Apa bila susu beku cair sudah habis barulah gunakan susu fresh.
  • Jika susu fresh(yg belum dipanaskan) tidak habis digunakan susu itu boleh disimpan lagi.

Khasiat dari susu fresh lebih banyak dari susu beku yang dicairkan....(Susu beku tetap lebih berkhasiat dari FM)

Jadi jika mampu banyakkan memberi susu fresh....

Boleh juga 70% susu fresh 30% susu beku..

Bergantung kepada kemampuan dan kreativiti individu yang bergelar ibu....

selamat maju jaya.

p/s:pastikan stok susu beku anda digunakan sebelum habis tempoh expiry date.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

hukum menyusukan anak lebih dari 2 tahun

Penyusuan susu ibu bukan sahaja menyediakan khasiat makanan yang diperlukan oleh bayi baru lahir malahan ia merupakan jalinan kasih sayang antara ibu

Ramai yang bertanya. Bolehkah seorang ibu menyusukan anaknya lebih dari 2 Tahun. Timbul pelbagai pendapat yang tidak berasa dan sebagainya.(ada yang mengatakan kalau anak menyusu lebih dari 2 tahun susu yang diminum itu bukan susu tetapi darah..Dan macam-macam lagi..)

Walaupun saya sudah jumpa satu soal jawap

hukum menyusukan

saya tetap terus mencari pendapat-pendapat lain.

Alhamdulillah hari ini bertemu dengan artikel ini

Dari islamonline

Apa yang saya faham

Kita boleh menyusukan anak kita lebih dari 2 tahun.

Tiada halangan dalam Islam....

So marilah membaca bersama-sama

Breastfeeding a Baby More Than Two Years: Acceptable?

Wa `alaykum As-Salamu wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake.

In his response to your question, Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, states:

A mother in Islam is expected to provide nurturing care and love for her children. Breastfeeding is undoubtedly one of the best ways of providing such care. Breast milk has been specifically created by Allah to provide all the necessary nutrients and immunity so vital for the development of the child in its formative years, and as such there is no substitute for it. So you are to be commended for your zeal to provide the loving care for your child.

It is, therefore, not at all surprising when Allah states in the Quran, Mothers shall give such to their children for two whole years, for those who wish the suckling to be completed if after consultation, they choose by mutual agreement to wean the child, it is no offence for them (Al-Baqarah: 233).

Scholars have deduced a number of points from the above verse: the full term of breastfeeding is two years\if the parents so decide; however, should they prefer to wean earlier, it can be done without incurring any offence or sin so long as such a decision has been made after giving due consideration to the welfare of the child as well as the interests of both parents.

As for the question whether a mother can breastfeed past the two years, the answer is: there is nothing in the sources to indicate that it is wrong to do so. So you are free to do so if you deem it conducive to the wellbeing of your child.

Having said this, however, I should convince you that at some point you must make a distinction between providing, responsible nurturing care and spoiling a child. Sometimes a child may never wish to wean at all if you were to leave it entirely to his choice. It is therefore important for you to plan to wean him gradually without causing him undue emotional stress. You should decide your move in consultation with your pediatrician and a trained nurse.


Kita boleh susukan anak kita lebih dari 2 tahun. Mana ada hukum kata kalau susukan anak lebih dari 2 tahun sama seperti memberi anak minum darah..Salah..Tidak benar!!

Hidup biar sentiasa belajar jangan asyik mencemuh...

Segala yang baik itu datang dari Allah....

hanya anda berdua

Penyusuan susu ibu bukan sahaja menyediakan khasiat makanan yang diperlukan oleh bayi baru lahir malahan ia merupakan jalinan kasih sayang antara ibu dan anak. Melalui penyusuan susu ibu , ibu dan bayi dapat menjalinkan hubungan yang erat, memuaskan dan berkekalan. Untuk menjadikan setiap saat anda bersama bayi anda lebih berharga amalkan petua2 berikut

Tenang dan sunyi
Pastikan tiada gangguan ketika anda menyusukan bayi anda. Pastikan ahli keluarga yang lain memahami kepentingan persekitaran yang sesuai untuk bayi menyusu

Utamakan keselesaan

Apabila menyusu anda perlu pastikan anda dan bayi anda selesa.Pastikan bayi diletakkan di dalam posisi yang betul. Pastikan anda duduk atau baring dengan selesa.

Beriteraksi dengan bayi
Semasa menyusukan bayi anda, anda boleh bercakap-cakap dengannya. Peluk, tepuk, sentuh dan bayi anda. Bayi anda akan merasa lebih tenang dan selamat

Kawal emosi anda
Bayi anda juga akan dapat merasa perasaan anda. Tenangkan diri anda. Elakkan fikiran anda dari dibelenggung kerisauan dan kebimbangan.
Jika anda senang marah, redakan dulu kemarahan anda sebelum anda susukan bayi anda.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pam Mana OK?


Sering kali ibu-ibu yang baru berjinak-jinak menyusukan anak dengan sepenuhnya akan bertanya "Pam apa yang ok?"

Bagi saya, jawapan tepat bagi soalan ini TIADA.

Kita perlu berani mencuba/membeli pam yang kita rasa sesuai dengan kita.

Apabila sudah membelinya, kita harus belajar menggunakannya.

Pam jenama apa sekali pun , jenis apa sekali pun, kita perlu ada kemahiran menggunakannya untuk memastikan dapat memaksimakan hasil perahan.

Sila rujuk entry saya sebelum ini

Gambar pam

My favorite pam

I vote for Avent ISIS!!!

Tiada jalan pintas untuk berjaya....Usaha usaha usaha...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Setelah 2 Tahun

Alhamdulillah, pada 17 September lalu Muhammad Akif Hafiy genap 2 tahun (Masihi)

Setelah berusia 2 tahun ini pelbagai 'skill' baru telah ditunjukkan. Paling ketara 'skill' mengulang kata-kata orang

Akif masih menyusu dengan susu ibu. Insya ALlah akan meneruskan sampai dia sendiri menolaknya.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplaces

Breastfeeding-Friendly Workplaces

Untuk dibaca bersama-sama.

Bagus betullah.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Birth Control Pill

Boleh rujuk links di atas untuk info.

Breastfeeding Myths



Saya copied and pasted here

1. A breastfeeding mother has to be obsessive about what she eats.

Not true! A breastfeeding mother should try to eat a balanced diet, but neither needs to eat any special foods nor avoid certain foods. A breastfeeding mother does not need to drink milk in order to make milk. A breastfeeding mother does not need to avoid spicy foods, garlic, cabbage or alcohol. A breastfeeding mother should eat a normal healthful diet. Although there are situations when something the mother eats may affect the baby, this is unusual. Most commonly, "colic", "gassiness" and crying can be improved by changing breastfeeding techniques, rather than changing the mother's diet. (Handout #2 Colic in the breastfed baby).

2. A breastfeeding mother has to eat more in order to make enough milk.

Not true! Women on even very low calorie diets usually make enough milk, at least until the mother's calorie intake becomes critically low for a prolonged period of time. Generally, the baby will get what he needs. Some women worry that if they eat poorly for a few days this also will affect their milk. There is no need for concern. Such variations will not affect milk supply or quality. It is commonly said that women need to eat 500 extra calories a day in order to breastfeed. This is not true. Some women do eat more when they breastfeed, but others do not, and some even eat less, without any harm done to the mother or baby or the milk supply. The mother should eat a balanced diet dictated by her appetite. Rules about eating just make breastfeeding unnecessarily complicated.

3. A breastfeeding mother has to drink lots of fluids.

Not true! The mother should drink according to her thirst. Some mothers feel they are thirsty all the time, but many others do not drink more than usual. The mother's body knows if she needs more fluids, and tells her by making her feel thirsty. Do not believe that you have to drink at least a certain number of glasses a day. Rules about drinking just make breastfeeding unnecessarily complicated.

4. A mother who smokes is better not to breastfeed.

Not true! A mother who cannot stop smoking should breastfeed. Breastfeeding has been shown to decrease the negative effects of cigarette smoke on the baby's lungs, for example. Breastfeeding confers great health benefits on both mother and baby. It would be better if the mother not smoke, but if she cannot stop or cut down, then it is better she smoke and breastfeed than smoke and formula feed.
5. A mother should not drink alcohol while breastfeeding.

Not true! Reasonable alcohol intake should not be discouraged at all. As is the case with most drugs, very little alcohol comes out in the milk. The mother can take some alcohol and continue breastfeeding as she normally does. Prohibiting alcohol is another way we make life unnecessarily restrictive for nursing mothers.

6. A mother who bleeds from her nipples should not breastfeed.

Not true! Though blood makes the baby spit up more, and the blood may even show up in his bowel movements, this is not a reason to stop breastfeeding the baby. Nipples that are painful and bleeding are not worse than nipples that are painful and not bleeding. It is the pain the mother is having that is the problem. This nipple pain can often be helped considerably. Get help. (Handout #3 Sore Nipples and #3b Treatments for Sore Nipples and Sore Breasts). Sometimes mothers have bleeding from the nipples that is obviously coming from inside the breast and is not usually associated with pain. This often occurs in the first few days after birth and settles within a few days. The mother should not stop breastfeeding for this. If bleeding does not stop soon, the source of the problem needs to be investigated, but the mother should keep breastfeeding.

7. A woman who has had breast augmentation surgery cannot breastfeed.

Not true! Most do very well. There is no evidence that breastfeeding with silicone implants is harmful to the baby. Occasionally this operation is done through the areola. These women do have often have problems with milk supply, as does any woman who has an incision around the areolar line.

8. A woman who has had breast reduction surgery cannot breastfeed.

Not true! Breast reduction surgery does decrease the mother's capacity to produce milk, but since many mothers produce more than enough milk, some mothers who have had breast reduction surgery sometimes can breastfeed exclusively. In such a situation, the establishment of breastfeeding should be done with special care to the principles mentioned in the handout #1 Breastfeeding\Starting Out Right. However, if the mother seems not to produce enough, she can still breastfeed, supplementing with a lactation aid (so that artificial nipples do not interfere with breastfeeding)
9. Premature babies need to learn to take bottles before they can start breastfeeding.

Not true! Premature babies are less stressed by breastfeeding than by bottle feeding. A baby as small as 1200 grams and even smaller can start at the breast as soon as he is stable, though he may not latch on for several weeks. Still, he is learning and he is being held which is important for his wellbeing and his mother's. Actually, weight or gestational age do not matter as much as the baby's readiness to suck, as determined by his making sucking movements. There is no more reason to give bottles to premature babies than to full term babies. When supplementation is truly required there are ways to supplement without using artificial nipples.

10. Babies with cleft lip and/or palate cannot breastfeed.

Not true! Some do very well. Babies with a cleft lip only usually manage fine. But many babies with cleft palate do indeed find it impossible to latch on. There is no doubt, however, that if breastfeeding is not even tried, for sure the baby wonft breastfeed. The baby's ability to breastfeed does not always seem to depend on the severity of the cleft. Breastfeeding should be started, as much as possible, using the principles of proper establishment of breastfeeding. (Handout #1 Breastfeeding\Starting Out Right). If bottles are given, they will undermine the baby's ability to breastfeed. If the baby needs to be fed, but is not latching on, a cup can and should be used in preference to a bottle. Finger feeding occasionally is successful in babies with cleft lip/palate, but not usually.
11. Women with small breasts produce less milk than those with large breasts.


12. Breastfeeding does not provide any protection against becoming pregnant.

Not true! It is not a foolproof method, but no method is. In fact, breastfeeding is not a bad method of child spacing, and gives reliable protection especially during the first six months after birth. It almost as good as the pill if the baby is under six months of age, if breastfeeding is exclusive, and if the mother has not yet had a normal menstrual period after giving birth. After the first six months, the protection is less, but still present, and on average, women breastfeeding into the second year of life will have a baby every two to three years even without any artificial method of contraception.

13. Breastfeeding women cannot take the birth control pill.

Not true! The question is not exposure to female hormones, to which the baby is exposed anyway through breastfeeding. The baby gets only a tiny bit more from the pill. However, some women who take the pill, even the progestin only pill, find that their milk supply decreases. Estrogen containing pills are more likely to decrease the milk supply. Because so many women produce more than enough, this often does not matter, but sometimes it does even in the presence of an abundant supply, and the baby becomes fussy and is not satisfied by nursing. Babies respond to rate of flow of milk, not what's "in the breast", so that even a very good milk supply may seem to cause the baby who is used to faster flow to be fussy. Stopping the pill often brings things back to normal. If possible, women who are breastfeeding should avoid the pill, or at least wait until the baby is taking other foods (usually around 6 months of age). Even if the baby is older, the milk supply may decrease significantly. If the pill must be used, it is preferable to use the progestin only pill (without estrogen).

14. Breastfeeding babies need other types of milk after 6 months.

Not true! Breastmilk gives the baby everything there is in other milks and more. Babies older than six months should be started on solids mainly so that they learn how to eat and so that they begin to get another source of iron, which by 7-9 months, is not supplied in sufficient quantities from breastmilk alone. Thus cow's milk or formula will not be necessary as long as the baby is breastfeeding. However, if the mother wishes to give milk after 6 months, there is no reason that the baby cannot get cow's milk, as long as the baby is still breastfeeding a few times a day, and is also getting a wide variety of solid foods in more than minimal amounts. Most babies older than six months who have never had formula will not accept it because of the taste.

Daun Yang Liar Tapi Berkhasiat

Ini gambar tumbuhan liar yang nenek saya kata amat mujarab bagi mereka yang ingin menambahkan susu badan.

Nenek saya kata kalau org baru bersalin lambat keluar susu dia akan bagi makan pucuk daun ini dibuat ulam.

Nama daun ni saya lupa...Nanti balik raya la tanya....

Tumbuhan ini tumbuh liar. Namanya ada 'something' lemak...Arghh tak ingat...or lemak 'something'


Thursday, September 13, 2007

Posisi Menyusukan

posisi susuDapat dari forwarded Email

Family Planning - Kaedah Kalendar

kaedah kalendar sesuai digunakan utk wanita yg mempunyai kitar haid yg tetap samada 26-30 cycles atau 32-36 cycles.

dlm kaedah ini kita kena kenalpasti waktu subur kita.

cuba lihat blk kitar haid kita dlm masa 4 -6 bulan lepas.

kenalpasti kitarhaid yg terpanjang (cth 30 hari) dan kitar haid terpendek (cth 26 hari) dlm masa 4 -6 bulan tersebut.

kitar haid terpendek (26) - 14 = 12
kitar haid terpanjang (30) -10 = 20

Jadi antara hari ke 12 hingga hari ke 20 dlm kitar haid anda dikira waktu subur dan precautions kena diambil utk mengelakkan pregnancy (cth kondom atau abstinence)

kitar haid dikira bermula hari pertama haid anda pada bulan ini hinggalah hari sbl dtgnya haid bulan depan.

satu lg kaedah kalendar yg boleh diaplikasikan, katakan kitar haid anda ialah 29-30 hari, so ambik 29 - 14 = 15.15 ini dikira waktu ovulasi.jadi kondom atau abstinence haruslah dilakukan /guna 5 hari sblm dan 5 hari selepas hari ke 15.

ini kerana ovum boleh hidup (viable) selama 3 hari tanpa disenyawakan dan kemudian akan mati dan bersedia utk stimulate next kitar haid...dan sperma pula viable dlm rahim selama 24-36 jam.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Menambahkan Susu


  • LONGAN KERING direbus dan minum airnya
  • MADU
  • FENUGREEK/HALBA direbus minum air atau dikisar
  • SOYA
  • SAWI




  • OMEGA 3

sumber Forum

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Antara Soalan Lazim

Ini adalah antara yang saya dapat melalui internet dan pembacaan.

"Anak saya ntiasa menyusu/kerap menyusu, adakah susu saya tidak mencukupi?"

Susu manusia (jika dibandingkan dengan susu lembu) adalah lebih mudah dihadam. Jangka masa antara satu penyusuan dengan penyusuan yang lain adalah dalam tempoh satu setengah jam hingga 3 jam. Bayi anda juga perlu disendawakan , jadi dia boleh minum dengan lebih banyak.

  • Jika bayi berat bayi anda bertambah bermakna dia mendapat susu yang mecukupi.
  • Jika dalam tempoh 24 lampin bayi anda basah 6-8 kali (membuang air kecil), dia Insya Allah mendapat susu secukupnya
  • Sendawakan dia apabila dia mula memperlahankan hisapannya, dengan cara ini dapat mengejutkan dia dari tidur dan dia akan bangun untuk minum sehingga kenyang.

"Perah/pam tapi susu tak keluar, saya tak ada susu ke"

Memerah dan mengepam memerlukan teknik dan tidak setanding dengan hisapan seorang bayi. Apa yang anda dapat pada kali pertama memerah/mengepam adalah bukan menunjukkan kuantiti sebenar susu anda

  • Perahan tangan dan megepam memerlukan latihan untuk anda menguasainya.Kerapkan berlatih
  • Mandi air suam ataupun tuam dgn tuala yang dibasahkan denan air suam selama 10 minit sebelum mula memerah.
  • Urut payudara anda sebelum memerah
  • Guna 'breast pump' yang berkualiti.

"My nipples are sore all the way through the feeding. What can I do?"

Nipple-chewing caused by improper positioning of the baby can cause nipple pain for the duration of the feeding.

  • Reposition your baby.
  • Make sure your baby is facing your breast, with his/her tummy facing your tummy with the initial latch-on. Bring your baby close to you very quickly before their mouth closes.
  • Be certain you are holding your breast behind the areola.
  • Wait for your baby to open his/her mouth wide, then quickly pull him in close.
  • If the pain continues, remove your baby from your breast and reposition.
  • Consult a Lactation Consultant or your physician for support and advice.

"Should I wash my breasts before each nursing?"

No, a daily shower is adequate, but avoid using soap on your breasts. Always wash your hands before feeding or expressing your milk, whether by hand or with a breast pump.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Mother's Diet and Bbaby's Brain Development


Sila rujuk link di atas untuk informasi mengenai pengaruh diet ibu dan perkembangan minda bayi yang disusukan.

Sedikit info tentang link di atas:

  • Memberikan informasi tentang kepentingan DHA kepada perkembangan minda bayi
  • Memberikan penjelasan tentang kandungan DHA dalam susu ibu.
  • Menjelaskan pengaruh diet ibu kepada IQ bayi.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Salmon Kukus

Resepi untuk Akif


  • 1cm halia dicincang
  • 2 ulas bawang putih dicincang
  • setangkai daun bawang dipotong kecil2
  • butter
  • carrot
  • broccoli
  • ikan salmon

Panaskan steamer pot.
Masukkan semua bahan2 ke dalam bekas tahan panas.
masukkan ke dalam steamer, masak selama 15 minit..
Taraaaaaa siap..sedap

Monday, August 13, 2007

Resepi: Sup lobak putih dengan daging


  • Lobak putih
  • Daging
  • Bawang putih
  • halia
  • halba
  • Garam
  • minyak masak
  • air


  • Panaskan minyak dan tumis (halia,bawang putih dan halba)
  • Bila naik bau masukkan daging. Kemudian masukkan air.
  • Setelah mendidih masukkan lobak putih.
  • Masukkan garam.
  • Bila dah empuk sedia untuk dimakan.

Resepi: Steak Lobak Putih


* 5 keping lobak putih (setebal 1.5cm)
* 100gm daging (potong nipis)
* 2sb sos daging bakar/bbq or equavalent
* 1 biji bawang besar(potong bulat)
* sedikit minyak untuk menggoreng
* garam secukup rasa
* 1sk bijan
* 1 biji timun jepun


1. Kupas kulit lobak putih, balut dengan plastik wrap, masukkan dalam microwave selama 5 minit.
2. panaskan frypan dengan sedikit minyak, goreng lobak putih sedikit keperangan kedua belah. angkat dan letak dalam pinggan.
3. dalam frypan yang sama, goreng bawang besar sampai layu. angkat dan letak atas pinggan.
4. tambah sedikit minyak dalam frypan, goreng daging yang telah digaul dengan garam. agak sudah masak, masukkan sos bbq dan bijan. angkat dan letak atas pinggan.
5. slice timun menggunakan peeler. tabur garam dan biarkan sekejap supaya layu. basuh dan lap air. hiaskan atas pinggan bersama lobak putih dan daging.

Lobak putih adalah salah satu makanan yang boleh membantu meningkatkan penghasilan susu..dan baik untuk kesihatan ginjal.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Artikel dari berita harian online- susu ibu

Baca kat sini

Kisah Aminah upah Halimatusaadiah sebagai ibu susuan Nabi Muhammad peringatan penting

MUNGKINKAH parahnya penyakit sosial di kalangan masyarakat hari ini adalah akibat meminum susu lembu sebagai ganti susu ibu? Mahu atau tidak, inilah hakikat yang perlu dipertimbangkan semula kerana bijak pandai mengatakan, ‘Kita adalah apa yang kita makan’.

Tidak hairanlah manusia yang dilahirkan, tetapi diberi minum susu lembu memiliki ciri seekor lembu atau kata lain, bersifat kebinatangan. Bunyinya keras, tetapi lihatlah masyarakat hari ini yang lebih ganas daripada binatang liar


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

petu aketika hamil

Petua hendak banyakkan susu selepas bersalin ketika pregnant amalkan,

* take a glass of water
* start with basmalah (3x/10x/100x) and selawat.
* recite Allahs' name "Ya Maatin" 70x (Ya Maatin maknanya Maha Sempurna Kekuatan-Nya)
* end with selawat and basmalah (3x/10x/100x)
* drink with intention to breastfeed.

Bagi kita yang dah lama bersalin ni jom jugalah kita amalkan..Hehehehehe..Amin.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Tidak!Tidak lagi.

Sejak akhir_Akhir-akhir ini saya hanya mampu mendapat kuantiti susu untuk kegunaan keesokan harinya sahaja.Namun saya tidak risau lagi. Saya sudah ada 'agenda' tersendiri. Simple...Yang mana ada yang itu guna..Kalau tak cukup baby sabar ya....

Macam zalim ke?

Saya berpendapat untuk usia anak saya, saya tidak menzalimi dia. Saya telah terangkan kepadanya apa yang kami sedang hadapi.

Susu masih ada. Ada juga hari yang saya mendapat hasil lebih dari pemintaan. Namun tidak lagi mampu membuat stok berpuluh/beratus botol namun bagi saya syukur Alhamdulillah...22 bulan telah kami tempuhi....

Tahukah anda, meningkatkan sesi mengepam merupakan pejana terbanyak dalam usaha saya mencukupkan kuantiti susu yang diperlukan.

Jika anda hadapi masalah kurang EBM tingkatkan usaha mengepam.

Buangkan perkataan malas dalam hidup anda. Anda mampu mengubahnya. (macam iklan TV plak)

Monday, July 16, 2007

Soalan lazim

1. Berapa lama EBM boleh tahan di dalam suhu bilik?

Susu yang baru diperah boleh tahan dalam suhu bilik 26 degree Celsius) selama 6 jam, dan pada suhu 19- 22 degree celsius selama lebih kurang 10 jam. Adalah disyorkan agar kita tidak membiarkan susu perahan berada dalam suhu bilik lebih dari 4 jam kerana kandungan susu ibu bagi setiap ibu adalah berbeza, dan suhu bilik adalah terlalu subjektif.

2. Berapa lama EBM tahan di dalam peti sejuk?

Jika anda tidak menggunakan EBM yang segar dalam tempoh 4 jam selepas perahan susu tersebut hendaklah disimpan di dalam peti sejuk. Susu perahan boleh disimpan di dalam peti sejuk (0- 4 degree celsius) selama 8 hari. Jika anda was-was cukuplah selama24 jam.

3. Berapa lama EBM beku tahan disimpan di dalam peti ais?

  • Bagi peti ais 2 pintu- 3 bulan
  • Peti ais satu pintu- 2 minggu
  • Deep freezer- 6 bulan

4. Apakah bekas penyimpanan terbaik untuk menyiimpan EBM.

Menurut pembacaan saya botol susu diperbuat dari kaca adalah yang terbaiknamun, susah hendak dikendalikan. Jadi kita boleh simpan EBM dalam

  • Botol susu biasa
  • Disposable liner (avent/playtex/medela/spectra etc)- Diikat dengan rubber band. Untuk penyimpana jangka masa lama eloklah di 'double' liner.
  • Disposable cup (example; avent)
  • Ada yang menyimpan di dalam bekas puding, sebelum digunakan bekas ini eloklah kiranya disterile terlebih dahulu.
  • Penyimpanan di dalam plastik 'ais krim malaysia' adalah tidak digalakkan kerana diragui kebersihannya.

5. Berapa kuantiti EBM setiap bekas?

Isikan dalam kuantiti 2-4oz setiap bekas. ( Bagi mengelakkan pembaziran)

6. Susu mana hendak digunakan dahulu?

FIFO..First In First Out. Labelkan setiap EBM.

cara memberi bayi minum EBM

Berikut adalah cara memberi bayi minum EBM yang boleh kita praktikkan.

  • syringe feeding - This is a good method to be sure a baby is getting food in the early days if it is clear the baby will need help getting his nutrition or if the baby is showing distress at the breast. The volume of colostrum is small and feeding the baby by syringe at the breast can assure he is getting enough. He feels successful at the breast as the underlying difficulties are being identified and fixed without the pressure to continue with a poor position or latch. It is often a short term tool, but can be used long term. It is the tool of choice for The Lactation Institute for babies who are not yet able to breastfeed exclusively
  • spoon feeding - If baby has to be fed away from the breasts a spoon can be used. In the early days when the baby is receiving a small volume of colostrum or milk. The spoon does not dwarf the volume and allows for slow and steady feeding. One spoon can be placed near the baby's lips and another spoon used to pour the colostrums or milk into the spoon. A medicine spoon can also be used. Boleh juga guna botol bersudu. Di Jusco pun sudah ada jual jenama tollyjoy
  • cup feeding - Cup feeding can work, even for a newborn. It is a good method for providing milk without introducing artificial nipples. For cup feeding milk is placed in a small, smooth rimmed, shallow cup. The infant can sip the milk from the cup that is placed at his lips. There are specially designed cups for cup feeding an infant or small medicine cups work well too. Medela makes a specialty feeding device called a SoftFeeder^(TM) for use when cup feeding is recommended. It is made from soft silicone and has a special reservoir that controls fluid. Some mothers use this long term when a baby needs milk in another way than direct from the breasts.
  • finger feeding - The finger feeding method involves a tube or syringe that delivers milk to the baby. It can be the tube of a supplemental feeding device or a special one made by Medela called The HazlebakerTM FingerFeeder. In the case of the tube, a small flexible tube is connected to a container of milk--think of it as a small soft drinking straw. It can be taped on a caregiverfs finger. The baby sucks on the finger and receives milk. When using a feeding syringe the baby sucks on the caregiver's finger and the milk from the syringe is released to run down the finger feeding the baby. These methods work well for incorporating suck retraining and other oral motor therapies
  • nipple shield -A nipple shield is a thin silicon disk with a nipple that is placed over the motherfs nipple. Nipple shields have been around for a long time. However the ancestors of todayfs thin flexible ones were not very effective. The older models did not have much flexibility and didn't allow for much milk transfer and breast stimulation. The reputation has remained to plague today's models. Nipple shields can be effective tools. Using nipple shields can result in keeping a baby happy at the breasts who would otherwise become frustrated, overwhelmed, or disinterested in the breast. Many babies need to have a supplemental feeding device in place either over or under the shield to keep the milk flow steady for them depending on why the nipple shield is needed. It is important that he gets the quantity of milk he wants at the flow rate he finds most enjoyable though, or he will quickly reject the shield, and perhaps the breast as well. Other mothers find their babies relax into nursing when they use a nipple shield to moderate mothers too-fast milk flow.

    Some other babies who do well on nipple shields are ones that are confident with bottle feeding but not breast feeding. A nipple shield may help them become more confident at the breast because the shield feels more like the bottle nipple they are used to.
    There are other reasons to use a nipple shield.

  • bottle and nipple feeding - Ini yang selalu orang kita guna dan selalu menjadi fikiran sempit bila berdepan dengan botol dan puting ini. Kalau anak menolak puting tiruan cubalah cup feeding, syringe feeding, spoon feeding.

p/s: Ketika di Taska anak saya menggunakan botol bersudu untuk minum EBM.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Untuk meningkatkan kadar penghasilan susu, salah satu caranya ialah kerapkan stimulasi..


Kerap memberi bayi menghisap ataupun boleh kerapkan mengepam.

Berapa kali sehari?

Bagi ibu yang tidak bekerja tiada masalah dalam hal menyusukan bayi kerana anda akan sentiasa bersama bayi anda namun bagi ibu-ibu bekerja yang komited dengan penyusuan susu ibu, kekerapan mengepam/memerah susu merupakan langkah yang bijak bagi membantu meningkatkan kuantiti susu yang terhasil.

Cadangan saya,

Ketika di pejabat/tempat kerja pamlah 3 kali sehari dan di rumah juga 3 kali. Total 6 kali.

Sela masa bagi sesi pengepaman di pejabat,

2-3 jam sekali 10-25 minit setiap sesi.

Manakala di rumah pula,

  • Waktu subuh
  • Waktu maghrib (lepas maghrib)
  • Lewat malam

Bila pula hendak menyusukan bayi secara direct?

  • Ketika mengepam
  • Mengikut pemintaan bayi.

Apa yang saya lakukan,

Saya mengikut situasi, ada masa anak saya ‘benarkan’ saya mengepam ketika susukan dia ada masa dia tidak ‘izin’.

Haruslah kita faham bayi merupakan ‘pelakon utama’ dalam ‘filem’ ini, jadi kita perlu pertimbangkan ‘perasaan’ dia.

Berapa kali direct feeding?

Bergantung kepada keadaan, bagi kes anak saya 4-7 kali bagi hari bekerja dan ‘uncountable’ bagi hujung minggu.

Berapa lama?

Anak saya 10 minit hingga 2 jam.

p/s:Ditulis berdasarkan pengalam sendiri.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

My Fvorite Breastpump

Nak menulis tentang my favorite breastpump.

1. Avent ISIS.- Memang bagus pam ini. Kalau mengepam waktu breast ‘full’ memang sekejap sahaja boleh dapat 9oz, dan walaupun mengepam waktu tidak ‘full’ pun tetap boleh pump out 5-6oz. Cara menggunakannya amat mudah dan senang dibawa ke mana sahaja. Jika anda rasa lenguh mengepam, anda boleh juga berlatih menggunakan kedua-dua belah tangan anda. Saya sudah mampu mengepam menggunkan salah satu tangan, kiri atau kanan. Betullah ‘practice make perfect’. Saya sangat ‘enjoy’ menggunakan pump ini. Dengan menggerakkan jari jemari anda ‘pressing’ ‘handle pump ini sedikit sebanyak dapat juga kita ‘aktifkan’ otak kiri dan kanan kita. Hehehehehe.

2. Spectra 3 – Pump ini jenis elektrik. Juga amat mudah dikendalikan. Cuma bagi saya jika mengepam sewaktu ‘breast full’ paling ‘mujarab’, paling selesa. Berbeza dengan Avent ISIS spectra 3 lebih efisyen jika saya gunakan pada masa ‘breast full’ berbanding ketika tidak penuh. Boleh juga mengepam ketika tidak penuh namun hasilnya hanya separuh dari hasil menggunakan Avent ISIS. Walaubagaimana pun, spectra 3 adalah electric breastpump yang saya amat suka! Amat sesuai sekali digunakan ketika menyusukan bayi, sebelah diberi kepada bayi dan sebelah lagi mengepam susu dengan Spectra 3.

Susuilah anak anda dengan susu ibu kerana susu ibu merupakan makanan terbaik bayi anda.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bio-Faktor Susu Ibu

  • Bio-faktor susu ibu

    Mengandungi pelbagai protein, lemak, karbohidrat dan mineral yang saling bekerjasama

    EMPAT bulan pertama selepas kelahiran adalah saat paling penting dalam kehidupan setiap bayi dan kekurangan walau satu nutrien dalam tempoh ini boleh menjejaskan perkembangan si kecil, terutama sekian sistem saraf dan imun.

    Secara umumnya bayi memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya 30 jenis nutrien yang boleh diperoleh secukupnya dalam susu ibu. Susu ibu mengandungi pelbagai jenis protein, lemak, karbohidrat dan mineral yang saling bekerjasama dan gabungan ini dikenali sebagai bio-faktor.

    Walaupun kebaikan susu ibu diketahui sejak zaman berzaman, banyak perkara masih menjadi misteri kepada pakar perubatan dan saintis, terutama mengenai komposisi kandungannya yang berubah-ubah mengikut keperluan bayi.

    Secara umumnya susu (sama ada susu manusia atau haiwan, terutama lembu) ada banyak jenis protein yang dipanggil protein casein dan whey. Berbanding dua jenis protein ini, protein whey dianggap lebih baik kerana ia mudah dihadam.

    Sehingga kini banyak kajian dilakukan ke atas susu ibu, terutama terhadap kandungan proteinnya dan antara yang istimewa ialah penemuan komponen utama protein whey iaitu alfa-laktalbumin (protein alfa).

    Apa keunikan protein alfa? Ia sejenis protein mudah larut yang membabitkan banyak jenis asid amino perlu seperti triptofan, sistein dan leusin. Semua asid amino ini memainkan banyak fungsi penting dalam memastikan tumbesaran dan perkembangan bayi berlaku dengan sempurna.

    Tidak kira bagaimana corak pemakanan si ibu, kajian menunjukkan susu dihasilkan secara umumnya mengandungi kandungan protein alfa yang lebih kurang sama di seluruh dunia, kata Pensyarah Jabatan Sains Makanan dan Nutrisi Manusia, Universiti Illinois, Profesor Eric Louis Lien.

    Keperluan protein bayi adalah sangat khusus. Kekurangan satu jenis amino asid boleh menjejaskan perkembangan mereka secara keseluruhan. Setakat ini, hanya susu ibu boleh membekalkan semua keperluan bayi dan belum ada susu formula dapat menandinginya.

    Susu ibu ada komposisi asid amino yang tepat mengikut umur bayi. Ini sebabnya Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO) menyarankan wanita menyusukan bayi secara eksklusif sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan supaya anak mendapat semua manfaat yang diperlukan dalam tempoh awal kehidupan mereka, katanya.

    Uniknya, kandungan susu, khususnya protein alfa, tidak banyak berbeza, walaupun corak pemakanan tidak sama. Kajian ke atas 450 sampel susu ibu dari Amerika Syarikat, United Kingdom, Australia, Jepun, Filipina, Chile, Kanada, China dan Mexico mendapati tahap protein alfa agak sama, iaitu dengan purata 2.5 g/l.

    Perbezaan diet (contohnya bagi wanita Kanada yang banyak makan daging dengan wanita China (nasi dan sayur-sayuran) tidak menunjukkan perbezaan ketara kandungan protein alfa dalam susu ibu.

    Bagaimanapun, Dr Lien tidak menolak amalan pemakanan yang sangat buruk boleh menjejaskan kualiti susu ibu, terutama paras protein, sesetengah jenis vitamin dan mineral.

    Namun, perkara ini jarang berlaku kerana kebanyakan wanita kini mempunyai kesedaran tinggi terhadap penjagaan makanan ketika mengandung.

    Namun, bukan semua wanita dapat menyusukan anak secara eksklusif selama enam bulan. Ramai ibu bekerja beralih kepada susu formula sebagai makanan alternatif sementara mereka di pejabat dan kembali memberi susu badan apabila pulang ke rumah.

    Tindakan ini disifatkan amalan baik kerana bayi masih boleh mendapat manfaat susu ibu. Untuk menyaingi kebaikan susu ibu, kebanyakan pengusaha terpaksa meningkatkan tahap protein.

    Dr Lien berkata, secara umumnya susu ibu mengandungi 60 peratus protein whey dan 40 peratus protein casein, manakala susu lembu mengandungi 20 peratus protein whey dan 80 peratus protein casein.

    Dalam susu formula (susu lembu) kandungan protein alfa hanya sekitar 0.5 g/l dan 1.3 g/l (dalam susu formula diperkaya protein whey) berbanding 2.4 g/l dalam susu ibu.

    Untuk menyamai kebaikan susu ibu, pengusaha cuba meningkatkan kandungan protein dalam susu formula. Kandungan protein susu formula biasanya lebih tinggi (antara 14 hingga 18 g/l) berbanding hanya 9 hingga 11 g/l dalam susu ibu.

    Namun, kandungan protein berlebihan ini ada keburukannya kerana boleh menyebabkan beberapa masalah atau tekanan kepada sistem pencernaan dan organ bayi yang masih kecil untuk bekerja lebih kuat.

    Malah, kajian dilakukan untuk membandingkan kesan ketoleranan usus (GI) antara susu ibu dan formula. Didapati bayi yang diberikan susu ibu tidak banyak mengalami masalah GI seperti sembelit, sakit perut, asid refluks, perubahan pada najis, cirit-birit, gangguan pada rektum (bahagian akhir usus besar) dan keradangan usus.

    Justeru, kata Dr Lien, wanita perlu menyusukan bayi mereka sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan secara eksklusif dan penyusuan boleh diteruskan selagi terdaya kerana walaupun selepas dua tahun, susu ibu masih banyak khasiatnya.

    >Kesan protein berlebihan

    Tekanan metabolik.
    Muatan berlebihan ke atas buah pinggang bayi.
    Insulinogenik (berlebihan asid amino merangsang badan menghasilkan lebih banyak insulin, sedangkan ia tidak diperlukan).
    Mengubah kandungan air dalam badan.
    Kemungkinan mengalami obesiti.

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