There is no freedom of choice for humans,
if it has been taken away from them at the beginning.
Breast-feeding is not a choice,
but an obligation to the choice.
Give your child the freedom of choice

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Friday, December 29, 2006

breast pad

Breast pad

Sebelum ini aku langsung tiada pengetahuan tentang kewujudan breast pad. Apa benda ini?Apa gunanya??

Breast Pad adalah sejenis ‘pad’ yang digunakan oleh ibu-ibu yang menyusukan anak dengan susu ibu untuk mengelakkan susu dari payu dara tumpah/bocor pada pakaian.

Banyak juga jenama breast pad yang pernah aku cuba.

Pada mulanya aku guna disposable breast pad, kemudian, menggunakan washable breast pad.

1. Disposable breast Pad.

Jenis pakai buang. Setakat ini aku sudah cuba :

l Bebe

l Avent

l Pigeon

l Tollyjoy

2. Washable Breast Pad

Jenama yang aku pernah guna

l Tollyjoy – Aku tak suka sgt sebab kecil

l Pureen –Mudah rosak

l Fiffy – Yang ni aku paling suka. Sampai sekarang aku gunakan

Washable breast pad aku guna ketika travel. Kalau time travel susah la kalau pakai yang washable.


Makanlah pisang yang sudah matang(masak), sebab ini akan mudah dicerna, dan gula di dalamnya diubah menjadi glukosa dan cepat diserap ke dalam peredaran darah.

Manfaat Pisang yang berbagai ....

1.Sumber Kekuatan Tenaga

Pisang mudah dicerna, gula yang terdapat di buah tersebut diubah menjadi sumber tenaga dengan cepat. Ini baik untuk pembentukan tubuh, untuk otot, dan sangat baik untuk menghilangkan rasa letih.

2.Manfaat untuk ibu yang mengandung.

Pisang juga disyorkan untuk dimakan oleh wanita yang mengandung kerana ia mengandungi asid folat, yang mudah diserap janin melalui rahim. Asid folat perlu untuk tumbesaran sistem saraf janin

3.Manfaat untuk orang yang kurang darah (anemia).

Dua biji pisang yang dimakan oleh pesakit anemia setiap hari sudah cukup, kerana pisang mengandungi Fe (zat besi) tinggi.

4.Manfaat bagi Penyakit Usus dan Perut

Pisang yang diambil bersama susu cair dapat mengubati penyakit usus; dapat mengimbang masalah acid berlebihan (hyper acidity). Pisang mempunyai ciri anti-radang(inflamation) kerana Vitamin C dapat secara cepat diproses.

Ia juga boleh transform bacillus berbahaya menjadi bacillus yang perlu di dalam usus.

5.Manfaat bagi penyakit hati(liver)

Penderita penyakit hati disarankan makan pisang bersama madu; ia akan menambah nafsu makan dan membuat jadi kuat.

6.Pisang dan Kecantikan

Paste pisang dicampur dengan sedikit susu dan madu, disapu pada muka setiap hari selama 30-40 minit. Kemudian basuh dengan air suam, dan di bilas dengan air sejuk. Ini diulang selama 15 hari. Hasilnya: Kulit yang cantik.

7.Pisang untuk Mengawal Berat Badan

Pisang juga mempunyai peranan di dalam penurunan berat badan seperti juga untuk menaikkan berat badan.

Seseorang boleh mengurangkan berat badan dengan memakan 4 biji pisang dan 4 gelas susu non-fat setiap hari sekurang2nya 3 hari dalam seminggu; jumlah kalori hanya 1250 dan menu ini cukup menyehatkan. Selain itu, diet ini juga membuat kulit wajah tidak berminyak dan bersih.

(Harus ingat diet ini tidak lengkap untuk program kontrol berat badan yang ideal).

Jangan lupa bahawa meminum satu gelas banana milk-shake dicampur madu, buah-buahan, kacang, dan mangga sesudah makan, akan menaikkan berat badan.

8.Lain2 khasiat

Pisang mempunyai manfaat dalam penyembuhan anemia, menurunkan tekanan darah, tenaga untuk berpikir, kaya serat untuk membantu diet, kulit pisang dapat digunakan sebagai cream anti nyamuk, membantu sistem saraf, dapat membantu perokok untuk menghilangkan pengaruh nikotin, stres, mencegah stroke, mengimbang suhu badan terutama bagi ibu hamil, neutralise acid berlebihan, dan sebagainya.

Kandungan pisang terdiri dari






Lemak, dan lain-lain.

Nutrien yang terdapat di dalam setiap 100 gm pisang matang adalah sebagai berikut:

Kalori 27 kcal,

Protein 1.6 g,

Lemak 0.45 g,

Karbohidrat 5.4 g,

Serat 3.4 g,

Gula 1.95 g,

Kalsium 14 mg,

Besi (ferrum) 0.5mg

Magnesium 17 mg,

Fosfor 32 mg,

Potasium 256 mg,

Sodium 13 mg,


Techni Ice

Techni ice

Aku mula mengenali techni ice sejak aku ‘berkecimpung’ dalam dunia menyusukan anak ini.

Techni ice memang amat sesuai digunakan untuk membawa susu perahan sama ada susu yang baru deperah ataupun yang telah beku. Techni ice dapat menjadikan benda yang beku kekal beku dan yang sejuk kekal sejuk serta yang panas kekal panas.

Aku terpanggil untuk berbicara tentang techni ice ini setelah berpindah rumah baru-baru ini. Selama ini aku gunakan techni ice utk memastikan susu yang aku bawa dari rumah ke taska kekal beku bagi yg beku dan kekal sejuk bagi yang sejuk, dan aku gunakan juga untuk memastikan chiller yang aku bawa bersama cooler bag.

1. Techni ice yang membekukan chiler di dalam cooler bag

Memang tahan, chiller yang beku akan kekal beku hingga aku pulang ke rumah. Aku selalu masukkan chiiler dan techni ice ke daam cooler bag ada pukul 6:55 am, dan akan pulang ke rumah pada pukul 7pm. Chiller akan kekal beku dan susu berada dalam keadaan baik.

2. Susu perahan ke Taska

Aku akan masukkan susu beku, susu cair dan techni ice pada pukul 6:55 am juga setiap hari dan tiba di taska dalam pukul 7:30am. Susu yang beku masih beku.

3. Pengalaman memindahkan stok EBM.

Pada mulanya agak gementar hendak memindahkan susu-susu ini. Dikhuatiri mencair. Alhamdulillah.

Aku masukkan susu-susu ke dalam ice box dan cooler bag kemudian masukkan techni ice. Alhamdulillah tidak terjejas langsung.


Jika anda ingin memindahkan stok susu beku anda saya cadangkan anda gunakan techni ice.Insya Allah susu akan kekal beku.

Saya amat berpuas hati dengan prestasi techni ice setakat ini .

techni ice

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Breast pam

Avent ISIS.Avent ISIS

Alhamdulillah, sudah 13 bulan aku menggunakan breast pump Avent ISIS. (Pam ini dibeli ketika baby Akif berumur 2 bulan).

Menggunakan pam ini amat mudah dan berkesan bagi aku. Jika kalian pernah menggunakan penyembur fabrik ‘febreez’ kalian pasti dapat memahami maksudku. Cara menggunakannya hanya seperti menyembur cecair febreez sahaja.Amat mudah.

Pada pendapat aku, pam ini memang unik dan selesa digunakan. Namun mungkin ia agak kekok digunakan oleh mereka yang biasa dengan pam elektrik. Pam ini, memang memerlukan kita menguasai sedikit ‘skill’ mengepam menggunakannya. Anda hanya perlu bayangkan bagaimana cara dan teknik bayi anda menghisap, jadi cubalah dapatkan ‘rhythm’ tersebut. Pada peringkat permulaan memang agak susah, namun, ‘practice makes perfect’. Cubalah anda pasti berjaya.

Aku gunakan Avent ISIS ketika mengepam di tempat kerja. Pam ini mudah dibawa dan boleh digunakan di mana-mana sahaja. Tambahan pula, tempat aku mengepam tidak ada punca elektrik, jadi manual avent ISIS breast pump amatlah berguna bagiku!


Spectra3 breast pump adalah electric operating breast pump. Aku membeli spectra3 breast pump semata-mata untuk digunakan di rumah ketika sedang menyusukan bayi. Aku membeli pam ini ketika aku di saat-saat ‘zaman kejatuhan susu’ ataupun ‘musim susu merudum’. Cara terbaik adalah dengan memperbanyakkan sesi merangsang penghasilan susu, bayi menghisap ataupun mengepam. Aku mulakan ‘double pumping’ , mengepam ketika menyusukan bayi dan mengepam dengan kerap. Jika menyusukan bayi dan mengepam dengan Avent ISIS baby Akif akan lebih berminat dengan pam terutama ‘handle’. Jadi aku gunakan spectra3 yang motornya diam dan hanya corong yang dapat Akif lihat.

Untuk kerap mengepam, (2-3 jam sekali ketika hujung minggu), aku memang perlukan spectra3 ini. Kalau tidak, lenguh jari jemari.

Spectra3 ini juga au guna untuk mengepam di awal pagi. Sejak ada specra3 ini aku tidak lagi kelam kabut mencuci pam diawal pagi kemudian mengelap dan sebagainya.

Alhamdulillah, dengan izin Allah SWT, aku masih lagi menyusukan baby Akif hingga ke saat ini. Semoga aku akan terus diberi kekuatan meneruskan penyusuan susu ibu. Amin.

Peti ais dan peti sejuk

Jangan keliru.

Jika kita membaca artikel tentang penyimpanan susu ibu yang ditulis dalam bahasa Inggeris, terdapat perkataan, refrigerator.

Refrigerator=fridge=a piece of electrical equipment in which food is keep cold so that it stays fresh, dalam bahasa Malaysianya PETI SEJUK

Manakala, freezer pula membawa maksud PETI AIS. ( a large piece of electrical equipment in which is you can store food for a long time at a low temperature so that it stays frozen).

Berbalik kepada penyimpanan susu di dalam peti sejuk dan peti ais.

(a) Susu ibu yang telah diperah boleh disimpan selama 2 hari di dalam peti sejuk, selepas tempoh 2 hari (48 jam) susu tersebut hendaklah digunakan. Adalah tidak digalakkan kita membekukan susu yang telah disimpan di dalam peti sejuk selama lebih dari 48 jam. Ini adalah kerana dikhuatiri kualiti susu telah menurun ataupun susu telah basi.

Bagi susu yang telah dibekukan, kemudian diturunkan/diletak di bahagian peti sejuk susu tersebut juga tahan/boleh digunakan dalam tempoh 48 jam.

(b) Susu yang disimpan didalam peti ais,

1. Untuk peti ais satu pintu (peti ais bahagian atas dan peti sejuk bahagian bawah berkongsi satu pintu utama) susu ibu yang telah diperah boleh disimpan selama 2 minggu sebelum digunakan.

2. Untuk peti ais dua pintu ( peti ais dan peti sejuk tidak berkongsi pintu, setiap bahagian mempunyai pintu sendiri) susu ibu yang telah diperah boleh disimpan selama 3 bulan sebelum digunakan.

Untuk deep-freezer/peti ais sahaja (selalu kedai menjual ais krim guna) susu perahan boleh disimpan selama 6 bulan.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Meningkatkan penghasilan susu 3

What causes a low milk supply?

Low milk supply is one of the most common breast-feeding problems for nursing mothers. Most often low milk supply is due to failure to drain the breasts effectively. Causes of a low milk supply include:

* having a non-demanding, sleepy baby who does not awaken often enough to nurse or who does not suck vigorously
* being separated from your baby during the first week after delivery (for example, if your baby was sick and you were not able to nurse or pump)
* having a baby who sucks improperly and doesn't empty your breasts well
* regularly using formula supplement, causing your baby to nurse less frequently
* having a baby who sleeps though the night (7 or more hours) without nursing
* being ill yourself with complications after the delivery, such as high blood pressure, anemia, or an infection
* being under a lot of stress, going on a weight-loss diet, or going back to work
* having very sore nipples that make it hard for you to breast-feed
* having had previous breast surgery, especially if it damaged your milk ducts.

Meningkatkan penghasilan susu 2

Bagaimanakah payudara anda menghasilkan susu

Anda akan menghasilkan susu yang banyak jika:

  • Bayi anda menyusu dengan kerap dan menghisap dengan betul dan berkesan
  • Anda sentiasa memastikan payudara anda kosong dengan cara memberi bayi minum ataupun memerahnya.

Secara tipikalnya, makin banyak anda mengeluarkan susu dari badan anda semakin banyak susu akan dihasilkan. Jika anda mengalami masalah 'low supply' anda masih berpeluang menambahkannya dengan cara merangsang dan memastikan ia kosong.
ecara generalnya jika anda sentiasa membiarkan keadaan'low supply' berlarutan makin susah badan anda menghasilkan susu. Jadi masalah anda akan berpanjangan. Adakalanya anda mungkin tidak akan dapat memulihkan 'supply' anda lagi. Jadi janganlah biarkan keadaan 'low supply' berlarutan.

Kekerapan mengepam dan merangsang penghasilan susu amat PENTING

Friday, December 15, 2006

Meningkatkan penghasilan susu 1

Sebenarnya tiada makanan yang spesifik untuk menambahkan penghasilan susu badan, tetapi terdapat banyak perkara yang boleh membantu penghasilan susu. Yang lebih penting bukannya apa yang anda makan tetapi, bagaimana bayi anda makan. Apabila bayi anda menyusu dalam posisi yang betul dan menghisap dengan cara yang betul, semakin lama bayi anda menyusu semakin banyak susu akan dihasilkan. Ini adalah cara yang paling penting dalam meningkatkan penghasilan susu ibu.

Dari sudut diet dan nutrisi, terdapat dua faktor utama dalam penghasilan susu. Yang pertama, minum air secukupnya. Tidak kira apa yang anda minum susu, jus atau pun air kosong. Anda akan menhasilkan dalam 20 hingga 40 oz susu sehari,agak banyakkan? Merasa dahaga adalah tanda utama anda perlukan tambahan cecair dalam badan anda. Adalah sgt baik jika anda dapat mendisiplinkan diri anda dengan meminum lebih air.

Ibu yang menyusukan anak memerlukan 500 kalori lebih dari orang biasa sehari. Ibu yang yang menyusukan anak yang dalam proses diet menurunkan berat badan akan mengalami masalah kekurangan tenaga bagi menghasilkan susu

Bir merupakan minuman yang boleh menambahkan susu (Tapi bir kan alkohol haram untuk umat Islam) dan mengikut penyelidikan bayi tidak suka 'alcoholic breastmilk', dan menyebabkan bayi tidak mahu menyusu dan membawa kepada keengganan bayi menyusu dari ibunya seterusnya mengurang 'stimulasi' dan susu ibunya akan berkurang. (Jadi jangan minum bir)

Tekanan juga boleh menyebabkan kekurangan susu, jadi elakkan dari 'stress'.

'Caffeine' juga boleh merangsang pengeluaran susu badan namun ia akan juga merangsang bayi anda. 'Caffeine' akan bercampur dengan susu anda dan akan bertidak balas ke atas bayi anda.
Tidak salah jika anda sekadar minum secawan kopi sehari tetapi jika 4-5 cawan mungkin kadar 'caffeine' dalam badan anda akan dipindahkan kepada bayi anda.
Caffeine akan berada dalam sistem badan bayi lebih lama dari orang dewasa. Bayi mungkin akan mendapat kesan sampingan seperti, tidak lena tidur, mengamuk dan sebagainya.

Cara terbaik untuk memastikan penghasilan susu badan yang banyak adalah dengan;

  • kerapkan menyusu bayi ataupun kerapkan memerah susu.
  • Banyakkan mengambil cecair
  • Makan makanan berkhasiat
  • Rehat yang secukupnya

Akan bersambung.......

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

feeding your infant

Artikel di bawah ini ada menerangkan tentang:

  • kepentingan susu kepada bayi
  • Umur sesuai untuk perkenalkan solid food dan tujuannya. Kepentingan spoon feeding
  • Menambahkan cereal ke dalam botol susu bersama susu adalah tidak berfaedah.

Feeding Your Infant

by Warren P. Silberstein, M.D.


One of the things that Pediatricians do at routine visits is to give parents advice on feeding their infants, but the truth is, there is no mystery to infant feeding. It's really all very logical. Pediatricians may vary in the exact order and timing of introduction of certain foods but they all follow some basic principles. Your Pediatrician may give you a schedule to follow, because if he doesn't follow some schedule, he'll never know what advice he gave anyone, but there's no magic to it.

The first principle is that human milk or formula has all the nutrition your infant needs for rapid growth during the first 6 months of life. Infants should be on human milk or infant formula for the entire first year. Many hospitals still adhere to the every 4 hour feeding schedule, but in my experience, most newborns nurse or feed every 2 to 3 hours at first. Eventually your newborn will settle into a rhythm, but it's not important for your infant to have an exact feeding schedule. Usually the best advice is to feed your newborn when he is hungry. But you do want to avoid having your baby feed small amounts every half hour. This kind of snacking is difficult for you and your baby. If your infant has gotten in to such a pattern you will either have to get him to take a full feeding at some point or hold him off long enough to be hungry enough for a full feeding. If necessary, a feeding of water which has been sterilized and cooled can be used between feedings to help get your baby's feeding schedule on track.

As a general rule I advise not waking babies for feedings. If you wake babies for feedings they usually don't eat well. If you have a schedule you must follow, for example, you have to leave the house at a certain time, and it is just about time for the baby's next feeding, it is perfectly reasonable to wake the baby to accommodate your schedule. Most infants will scream quite regularly for their feedings; however, if you have an unusually placid baby who never acts like he is hungry, you may have to wake him for feedings. The same is true if your infant is very small and needs extra feedings, but your pediatrician will advise you if that is the case.

By the time your baby is a few months old many of you will start to think about feeding him some food (solids). Many of you will be concerned that your baby is hungry just taking milk. Remember, milk is food, not just a drink. If your baby has ever spit up on you several hours after a bottle or nursing, you know that there is solid in his stomach. That's because even though the milk is liquid, it has protein in it.

The next principle is that the purpose of introducing solids such as cereal is to introduce spoon feeding. Sooner or later all humans eat food. We don't live on milk for our whole lives, so we have to introduce food. But when we first introduce food, there isn't any food or amount of food that the baby must get to be nourished. Remember, all the nutrients in his milk are still sufficient for his growth. That is why I advise against putting cereal in the bottle unless your child has a condition that requires thickened formula. There is no nutritional benefit to putting cereal in the bottle. If you put cereal in the bottle the amount of cereal the baby gets is controlled by his need for milk rather than his appetite for cereal.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends not introducing spoon feeding until at least 4 months of age. The reason for that is that most infants have adequate head control and swallowing control to sit supported in a chair, lean forward and open their mouths for food they want, and to close their mouths and refuse food they don't want. If you spoon feed a younger infant his tongue and sucking movements will result in his swallowing some food, but that doesn't mean he is ready for spoon feeding. I once had a mother tell me her infant cried because she couldn't get the food into him fast enough. When I asked her how she knew he wasn't crying because he didn't want it, she didn't know.

The baby's grandmother may tell you that you started cereal at one month of age and you turned out just fine. She may be right. Children certainly don't grow two heads from early spoon feeding. But there is some evidence that early spoon feeding is associated with obesity. But what's more important is that even though early spoon feeding isn't likely to do any harm, the optimal source of nutrition for infants up to 6 months of age is nursing or infant formula. You can start spoon feeding at 4 months if your baby seems ready, but there is no rush to start before 6 months. If we didn't have convenient baby food jars available, we'd probably be waiting 6 months or more like great grandma did.

The basic principle behind introducing solids is to introduce only one new ingredient at a time and to give it for at least 3 days before trying something else new. That way if a baby has a problem with a food you can more easily figure out which food. The second principle of introducing new foods is to introduce foods that might cause allergic reactions later. The reason for this is that as the intestines mature the intestines only absorb small molecules. Immature intestines absorb larger, more complex molecules (less digested), and these are more likely to sensitize the child and result in allergic reactions. If you have an allergic child, a child with eczema, or a strong family history of allergy, it pays to delay introducing solids.

Many of the things that may look like reactions may not be. If an infant has gas pains or diarrhea from a food, or develops a rash, you should discontinue the questionable food and reintroduce it 2 or more weeks later. If the reaction is the same, there is a greater possibility that your infant doesn't tolerate the particular food. Rashes that occur just in the diaper area generally are not reactions to foods.

When you first introduce spoon feedings keep in mind that your baby's instinct is to suck when he is hungry. He will have to learn to eat off a spoon. He will also have to learn that eating off a spoon will satisfy his hunger. It may be tempting to try the first feeding when your infant is starved so that he will be hungry for the new food, but your baby won't have the patience for spoon feeding. When he is hungry he wants to suck. He doesn't need to eat a lot of food at first because he is getting his nutrition from milk. Start with just a teaspoon or two and start with a thin consistency. Offer the feedings between milk feedings, after a feeding, or even part way through a feeding - whatever works best for you. Increase the amount and the thickness of the feeding based on how well the baby does with it. Once the baby has become established on spoon feedings then you can offer solids as a whole meal.

In my practice I generally start solid feedings with rice cereal. After the introduction of cereal you can offer fruit with the cereal as long as you introduce only one new item at a time. After that you can try all the different single fruits and cereals one at a time. The amounts may vary depending on your child's appetite, but usually it will be up to about 4 tablespoons of cereal and of fruit twice daily.

Vegetables are introduced next, but if you choose to introduce vegetables in place of fruit, the order is not important. After that, meat is next on the schedule, but some families don't eat meat and some babies don't like it. There isn't any food you are introducing that is a crucial part of your baby's diet. And there's no rush to try all the different foods.

Yogurt and cottage cheese can be introduced between 8 and 10 months as a prelude to introducing cow's milk. Some pediatricians introduce eggs at that time but because of their allergic potential I generally hold off introducing eggs until 1 year. To decrease the likelihood of allergy you can introduce first the hard cooked yolk and then the white. Next you can do the same with a medium egg. You should avoid soft eggs because of the high risk of salmonella. Fish can also be introduced at 1 year.

Juice should be introduced in a cup after the baby has been introduced to fruit and generally after 6 months of age. By introducing the juice in a cup you get the opportunity to introduce a cup since most infants insist on getting their milk in a bottle (unless they're nursing). While juice provides some useful vitamins and minerals it isn't advisable for children to drink bottles of juice. Firstly, children who drink a lot of juice bottles drink less milk. Secondly, excess juice can cause diarrhea and may even result in poor growth.

Table food can be introduced between 7 and 12 months depending on whether or not your baby handles food particles without gagging. Teeth are not the major issue since the first teeth to come in are biting teeth, not grinding teeth. Some babies at 7 months can handle little pieces of food while some babies at a year will gag if they feel any particles in their mouths. I'm not a big fan of junior foods or stage 3 foods which are a mixture of pureed foods with chunks. It is easier and less confusing for a baby to handle one small piece of soft food that he puts into his mouth than a whole spoonful of the familiar mush mixed with pieces. Good choices to start with include banana cut into small pieces, well cooked carrots, pasta, cheese, and Cheerios softened in milk.

Remember that even if you introduce cow's milk into the diet before 1 year of age that the baby should get most of his milk nutrition from nursing or infant formula because those have the right mixture of nutrients for optimal growth. From 1 to 2 years of age babies should get whole milk. The developing brain requires fat so skim milk and low fat milk is not recommended until 2 years of age. After 2, children should be given skim milk.

cereal in bottle 2

when do you put cereal in the bottle?


what age you introduce the cereal in bottle,? doctors say diferente things , one said 4 mothns and the other 2 months

Why shouldn't cereal be put in your baby's bottle?

* It is an old wives' tale that putting cereal in the bottle will help your baby sleep better at night. Babies should not go more than 4-6 hours without being fed because their stomachs are so small.

* Around 4-6 months, your baby will be ready to eat cereal from a spoon. This is a very important learning step for your baby. Putting cereal in a bottle may prevent your baby from learning this new skill.

* Cereal in the bottle can increase the risk of choking because you have to increase the size of the hole in the nipple to allow the cereal through. If too much comes through the nipple, your baby could choke.

* Putting cereal in the bottle may cause you to overfeed your baby.

Cereal in Bottle

Artikel ini memaparkan tentang bahaya memberi bayi cereal menggunakan botol.

by Bottles and Cereal
By Alan Greene MD FAAP

Question: I have heard different reviews about putting cereal in the bottle of an infant. Is it safe?

Answer: You've heard about it from friends, parents, and in-laws. You've seen it in Internet chat rooms and discussion boards:

"You're so tired! You should put some cereal in your daughter's bottle - then she'll sleep through the night."

"He'll nap better."

"Your son looks too skinny. You're not feeding him enough. Add some cereal to the bottle - that'll do the trick."

"He still acts hungry? Try putting some cereal in the bottle. He'll be much less fussy."

"Spoon feeding is a hassle. Put it off as long as you can. Cereal in the bottle is quick, convenient, makes them sleep longer and cry less - what more could you want?"

Your pediatrician says this is not wise (except as a treatment for reflux). Dietitians and nutritionists concur. Introducing solids before 4 months might cause food allergies. Your well-wishers discount these recommendations because cereal in the bottle worked wonders for their children!

Throughout most of human history children were exclusively breast fed for the early months. During the previous generation or two, when bottle-feeding became very popular, rice cereal was often put into the bottle at a very early age. What were the results?

Most children seemed to thrive. A small number of children, though, did not tolerate the addition, because their sucking and swallowing actions were not yet fully coordinated. They inhaled small amounts of the rice cereal into their lungs, which led to pulmonary problems.

I'm much more concerned about a subtler issue. Babies are born with a wonderful mechanism for knowing how much food they need. During the early months, they take their cues from the volume of what they drink. Adding cereal derails this mechanism. It forces them to take in deceptively large amounts of calories. It teaches them to overeat.

By starting with a spoon, resting between bites, and stopping when your child lets you know he's full, you will be laying an excellent foundation for good eating habits throughout his life.

A major study looking for the causes of obesity found that short-circuiting young children's self-regulation of how much they eat is a major cause of later obesity.1 Cereal in the bottle does just that.

Babies that are fed this way may appear to be unaffected - but those few weeks of added convenience may result in a lifetime of struggles with weight. This common practice may have contributed to our being the most obese generation in history.

And it doesn't even work. Scientists at the Cleveland Clinic studied the effect of cereal on sleep and found that adding the cereal did nothing at all to speed up the age of sleeping through the night. That first uninterrupted 6-hour stretch of sleep came no earlier in those who took cereal early.2

People swear otherwise. I suspect the reason is that kids do fall asleep a bit more quickly, and some babies may even go a bit longer between feedings. There is no scientific evidence, though, to support the claim that cereal in the bottle will help an infant increase total sleep or decrease crying.3

Drawing on the wisdom of experience and the latest scientific knowledge, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends against adding cereal to the bottle. It may be tempting after your 16th straight sleep-deprived night to cut a bigger hole in the feeding nipple to add rice cereal. But it won't offer lasting help, and it may be giving your baby a lasting gift that both of you will regret

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

jimat belanja

Jimat belanja berilah susu ibu

Untuk jimat belanja

1. cooler bag.

Boleh guna polystyrene box (yang org pergi memancing selalu bawa itu)

2. Chiller

Kalau tidak mahu membelinya, bolehlah gunakan plastic ais krim Malaysia, masukkan air paip dan bekukan. Namun kaedah ini memerlukan banyak bungkus ‘ais krim air paip

3. Botol susu

Bolehlah beli botol-botol susu yang murah.

Jika sanggup keluarkan belanja sedikit

1. cooler bag

Bolehlah beli yang dijual. Ada yang murah.

2. Chiller

Boleh guna ais krim air paip atau pun belilah chiller. Saya rekeman techni ice+ais krim air paip.

Ini yang saya guna

Cara menggunakan Avent ISIS versi saya

Step 1

Pastikan anda mencuci tangan anda sebelum memulakan proses mengepam.

Pastikan anda memasang pam dengan betul sebelum memulakan proses mengepam.

Urut bahagian ‘breast’ anda terlebih dahulu sebelum mengepam. Ini adalah penting bagi memastikan proses mengepam berjalan lancar.

Step 2


Ambil pam dan lekapkan corong pam pada ‘breast’ anda

Tarik handle pam anda sehingga habis sebanyak 3-4 kali.

Kemudian apabila terdapat susu mula keluar, lajukan proses menarik handle tetapi hanya separuh. Teruskan menarik handle separuh sahaja.

Apabila terdapat banyak air susu sudah keluar teruskan mengepam.

Tarik handle hingga habis dan lepas bagi memastikan susu mengalair masuk ke botol.

Ketika menggunakan pam, hanya 3 jari digunakan, jari ibu, jari telunjuk dan jari hantu.

Jari ibu menyentuh badan pam dan jari telunjuk dan jari hantu menyentuh handle.

Jika anda pernah menggunakan penyembur Febreez, seperti itulah caranya menarik handle pam.

Cara mengepam ini adalah ilham dari cara saya menggunakan pam Avent ISIS.

Setakat ini, saya mengamalkan cara ini. Alhamdulillah.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Menguruskan EBM amat mudah

Ramai berpendapat menguruskan susu ibu yang diperah; EBM menyusahkan. Saya menyangkal pendapat tersebut. Bagi saya menguruskan EBM adalah amat mudah.

Mungkin bagi mereka yang belum berpengalaman, hanya membaca pengalaman orang lain menyebabkan mereka merasakan penyelenggaraannya amat rumit. Usah risau, menguruskan EBM amat mudah. Semudah petik jari. Percayalah, kerana saya sedang menguruskannya.

Bagi ibu yang bekerja

Step 1

Setelah mengepam susu masukkan ke dalam botol/beg plastik pakai buang untuk menyimpan EBM tersebut. Isikan botol dengan kuantiti yang sesuai. (jika bayi anada minum 3 oz per ‘feeding’ isikan 3 oz).

Masukkan EBM tersebut ke dalam fridge/ cooler bag

Setelah sampai di rumah pindahkan EBM dari cooler bag dan masukkan ke dalam peti sejuk. Masukkan susu yang anda ingin berikan kepada bayi anda keesokkan hari ke dalam ruangan sejuk dan masukkan EBM yang anda ingin jadikan stok simpanan ke ruangan beku.

Step 2

Memberi susu kepada bayi

Bagi ibu yang bekerja, jika anda ingin memberikan bayi anda stok EBM yang beku, digalakkan anda menurunkan stok tersebut dr ruangan beku ke ruangan sejuk selama semalaman bagi memudahkan.

Susu yang telah cair dikeluarkan dari peti sejuk dan direndam dengan air panas suam. Setelah susu tersebut suam-suam, susu tersebut sedia untuk diberikan kepada bayi anda..


Hanya rendamkan sahaja. Anda tidak perlu menceduk susu formula! Kerja anda mudah anak anda sihat.


Akif sekarang suka buat perangai. Degil pula tu. Aduss mencabar betul ya jadi ibu ni...

Akif sekarang kalau dia nakkan sesuatu kita tak bagi dia akan menjerit2, berguling2 dan meronta2. Terlalu dimanjakan ke? Atau tak cukup dimanjakan?

Minum susu.Bila bersama mummy semestinya Akif minum susu segar form the factory lah! Di Taska pun dia sudah kembali minum EBm tetapi perlu disuap oleh pengasuhnya. Risau juga mereka jemu melayan Akif ni. Harap-harap mereka tak jemulah Doakanlah ya....

Makan nasi. Baru sekejap tadi Mummyakif telefon Taska tanyakan Akif makan ke tidak. Alhamdulillah dia makan. Kat rumah semalam dia tak nak makan. Lunch bg spaggetty, petang bagi bubur nasi with soup..Dia makan sikit sahaja. Main banyak!Malam pula dia makan roti+biskut.Mungkin Akif suka makan bersama kawan-kawan. Nampak gayanya Akif kena selalu ke sekolahlah.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Back to normal

Alhamdulillah....Akif is back to normal rutin...Dia sudah hendak EBM semula. Ketika di taska dia minum dalam 3-4 bottles EBM, 4 oz each. (Macam masa usia dia 3-4 bulan dulu)Oklah kan...Aku tak akan paksa dia. Dia tahu minta kalau dia lapar.

EBM yang aku kumpul pula, Alhamdulillah masih di tahap 'selesa'.

Kalau 'direct breastfeed' Akif memang 'jaguh'. Sepanjang malam dalam 4-5 kali dia akan menyusu. Mungkin nak 'cover' balik kot siang hanya minum 4 bottles.

Jadual direct breastfeed akif ketika week day.

  1. 6:00-7:00pm-> In car on the way balik rumah from Taska
  2. 8:30pm->Memang dia akan minta. Tapi minum sikit sahaja.
  3. 10:30pm-12:00am- >Ketika hendak tidur.
  4. 1:40-2:00am ->Bangun minta ketika tidur
  5. 4:00am->Bangun minta lagi
  6. 5:45am->Menyusu lagi
  7. 7:15am->Menyusu lagi dalam kereta ke Taska

Then, At office i pump 2 times.

Monday, November 27, 2006


Sudah 2 minggu akif 'puasa' ayam..Dan hasilnya, kaki akif sudah tidak gatal-gatal lagi.Alhamdulillah.Rupanya ayam yang menyebabkan akif gatal. Jadi sekarang ini akif hanya akan diberi makanan yang fish based sahaja.

Yang mana ada ayam, daging, susu lembu dan telur tidak boleh akif makan. Kasihan akif, banyak sangat alahannya. Insya Allah nanti dah besar sikit OK lah ni.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

i got this from email


And We have enjoined upon man goodness towards his parents: His mother bore him by bearing strain upon strain, and his weaning was in two years: "[Hence, O man,] be grateful to Me and to your parents; to Me is the eventual coming." (Qur'an, 31:14)

Mother's milk is a matchless compound created by Allah to meet the baby's nutritional needs and protect it against possible infections. The balance of the nutriments in mother's milk is at ideal levels and the milk is in the ideal form for the baby's immature body. At the same time, the mother's milk is also very rich in nutrients which accelerate the growth of brain cells and the development of the nervous system.95 Artificial baby foods prepared with present-day technology cannot replace this miraculous food.

The list of advantages to the baby provided by mother's milk is being added to every day. Research has shown that babies who are fed mother's milk are particularly protected against infections concerning the respiratory and digestive systems. That is because the antibodies in mother's milk provide a direct defence against infection. Other anti-infection properties of mother's milk are that it provides a hospitable environment for "good" bacteria called "normal flora" thus constituting a barrier to harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. Furthermore, it has also been established that there are factors in mother's milk which arrange the immune system against infectious diseases and allow it to function properly.96

Since the mother's milk has been specially designed, it is the most easily digestible food for babies. Despite being nutritionally very rich, it is easily digested by the baby's sensitive digestive system. Since the baby thus expends less energy on digestion, it is able to use that energy for other bodily functions, growth and organ development.

The milk of mothers who have had premature babies contains higher levels of fat, protein, sodium, chloride and iron to meet the baby's needs. Indeed, it has been established that the functions of the eye develop better in premature babies fed on mother's milk and that they perform better in intelligence tests. In addition, they also have a great many other advantages.

One of the ways in which mother's milk is important to the development of the new-born baby is the fact that it contains omega-3 oil alpha linoleic acids. As well as being an important compound for the human brain and retina, it is also of great importance from the point of view of new-born babies. Omega-3 is of particular importance throughout pregnancy and the early stages of babyhood if the brain and nerves are to develop normally. Scientists particularly emphasise the importance of mother's milk as a natural and perfect store of omega-3.97

Furthermore, research by Bristol University scientists revealed that among the long-term benefits of mother's milk are its positive effect on blood pressure, thanks to which the risk of heart attack is reduced. The research team concluded that the protective nature of mother's milk stems from its nutritional content. According to the results of the research, published in the medical journal Circulation, babies fed on mother's milk are less likely to develop heart disease. It has been revealed that the presence in mother's milk of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids-these prevent hardening of the arteries-along with the fact that babies fed on mother's milk consume less sodium-this is closely linked to blood pressure-and do not, as a result, gain excessive amounts of weight are among the ways that mother's milk benefits the heart.98

In addition, a team led by Dr. Lisa Martin, of the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Centre in the USA, found high levels of the protein hormone known as adiponectin in mother's milk.99 High blood levels of adiponectin are associated with a reduced risk of heart attack. Low levels of adiponectin are found in people who are obese and who are at increased risk of a heart attack. It was therefore established that the risk of obesity in babies fed on mother's milk declined in relation to this hormone. Furthermore, they also discovered the presence of another hormone called leptin in the mother's milk which has a central role in fat metabolism. Leptin is believed to be a signal to the brain that there is fat on the body. According to Dr. Martin's announcement, therefore, these hormones absorbed in babyhood through mother's milk reduce the risk of such illnesses as obesity, type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance, and coronary artery disease.100

Facts about "The Freshest Food"

The facts about the mother's milk are not restricted to these. The contribution it makes to the baby's health alters according to the phases the baby undergoes and whichever foodstuff is required at a particular stage, the contents of the milk change to meet those very specific needs. Mother's milk, ready at all times and at the ideal temperature, plays a major role in brain development because of the sugar and fat it contains. In addition, elements such as calcium in it play a large role in the development of the baby's bones.

Although it is called milk, this miraculous compound actually consists mostly of water. This is a most important feature because in addition to food, babies also need liquid in the form of water. Full hygiene may not be established in water or foodstuffs other than mother's milk. Yet mother's milk-90% water no less-, meets the baby's water needs in the most hygienic manner.

Mother's Milk and Intelligence

Scientific research shows that the cognitive development in breast-fed babies is greater than that in other babies. A comparative analysis of breast-fed babies and formula-fed babies by James W. Anderson-an expert from the University of Kentucky-established that the IQs of babies fed on mother's milk were 5 points higher than those of other babies. As a result of this study, it was determined that intelligence is benefited by mother's milk for up to 6 months and that children who are breast-fed for less than 8 weeks show no IQ benefit.101

Does Mother's Milk Combat Cancer?

As a result of all the research performed, it is proven that mother's milk, on which hundreds of papers have been published, protects babies against cancer. This, despite the fact that the mechanism is not yet fully understood. When a protein from the mother's milk killed off tumour cells which had been grown in laboratories without damaging any healthy cells, researchers stated that a great potential has emerged. Catharina Svanborg, professor of clinical immunology at Lund University in Sweden, headed the research team that discovered these miraculous secrets of mother's milk.102 This team at Lund University have described the way that mother's milk provides protection against many forms of cancer as a miraculous discovery.

Initially, researchers treated intestinal mucous cells taken from new-born babies with mother's milk. They observed that the disorder caused by the bacterium Pneumococcus and known as pneumonia was efficiently halted by mother's milk. What is more, babies fed on mother's milk encounter far fewer hearing difficulties than those fed on formula and suffer far fewer respiratory infections. After a series of studies, it was shown that mother's milk also provides protection against cancer. After showing that the incidence of the lymph cancer observed in childhood was nine times greater in formula-fed children, they realised that the same results applied to other forms of cancer. According to the results, mother's milk accurately locates the cancer cells and later destroys them. It is a substance called alpha-lac (alphalactalbumin), present in large quantities in mother's milk, that locates and kills the cancer cells. Alpha-lac is produced by a protein that assists in the manufacture of the sugar lactose in the milk.103

This Matchless Blessing Is a Gift from Allah

Another miraculous feature of mother's milk is the fact that it is exceedingly beneficial for the baby to be fed with it for two years.104 This important information, only recently discovered by science, was revealed by Allah fourteen centuries ago in the verse: "Mothers should nurse their children for two full years-those who wish to complete the full term of nursing?" (Qur'an, 2:233)

In the same way that the mother does not decide to produce milk, the most ideal source of nourishment for the helpless baby in need of feeding in her body, neither does she decide on the various nutritional levels within it. It is Almighty Allah, Who knows the needs of and displays mercy to every living thing, Who creates mother's milk for the baby in the mother's body.

akif,ebm dan bubur

Memandangkan Akif tak nak sangat minum EBM, mummyakif telah mencadangkan agar para penjaga akif di Taska meletakkan EBM ke dalam bubur akif.

Kalau Akif tak dapat 'detect' susu OKlah..kalau dia dapat 'detect' mungkin dia tak akan makan...Walau macam mana pun sekarang mummyakif dah tak risau sangat bila akif tak nak minum EBM. Dia kenyang. Semalam mummy akif balik awal dan telah pergi ke Taska akif awal. Mummy akif pergi tanya 'timetable' makan akif.

  • 8:00am-makan nasi
  • 11:am makan nasi
  • 3:00pm makan nasi
  • 5:30pm :makan nasi lagi

Patut la tak nak EBM..Dah kenyang dengan nasi. So Mummyakif berpendapat, tak perlulah paksa akif minum EBM kalau dia tak nak. Cuma skrg dalam bubur tu tambahkan aja EBM.

:-) semoga akif akan sentiasa sihat dan ceria.

Akif masih batuk-batuk dan selsema sedikit. Tapi ada 'improvement' sejak sehari dua ini.

Semalam, akif dilaporkan telah mengetuk kepala dia di lantai dan pintu kerana marahkan pengasuhnya yang tidak melayan dia. Aduh.....benjol dahi akif....

Kenapalah akif ni bila dia marahkan orang lain dia sakitkan diri sendiri...????

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Semalam, akif baru dapat ubat ini. Kena makan hari-hari.

Ketotifen (kee-toe-TYE-fen ) is a type of asthma medication which, when taken every day and used along with other antiasthma medications, may reduce the frequency, severity, and duration of asthma symptoms or attacks in children. It may also lead to a reduction in daily requirements of other antiasthma medications. Ketotifen is not effective for the prevention or treatment of acute asthma attacks. Ketotifen works by inhibiting certain substances in the body that are known to cause inflammation and symptoms of asthma.

This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription, in the following dosage forms:

  • Syrup (Canada)
  • Tablets (Canada)

Before Using This Medicine

In deciding to use a medicine, the risks of taking the medicine must be weighed against the good it will do. This is a decision you and your doctor will make. For ketotifen, the following should be considered:

Allergies—Tell your doctor if you have ever had any unusual or allergic reaction to ketotifen. Also tell your health care professional if you are allergic to any other substances, such as foods, preservatives, or dyes.

Pregnancy—Ketotifen has not been studied in pregnant women. However, studies in animals have shown that ketotifen crosses the placenta and, at high doses, cause problems. Before using this medicine, make sure your doctor knows if you are pregnant or if you may become pregnant.

Breast-feeding—It is not known whether ketotifen passes into human breast milk. However, it does pass into the milk of rats. It may be necessary for you to take another medicine or to stop breast-feeding during treatment. Be sure you have discussed the risks and benefits of the medicine with your doctor.

Children— This medicine has been tested in children and, in effective doses, has not been shown to cause different side effects or problems than it does in adults.

Older adults—Many medicines have not been studied specifically in older people. Therefore, it may not be known whether they work exactly the same way they do in younger adults or if they cause different side effects or problems in older people. There is no specific information comparing use of ketotifen in the elderly with use in other age groups.

Other medicines— Although certain medicines should not be used together at all, in other cases two different medicines may be used together even if an interaction might occur. In these cases, your doctor may want to change the dose, or other precautions may be necessary. When you are taking ketotifen, it is especially important that your health care professional knows if you are taking any of the following:

  • Antidiabetic agents, oral—May increase the risk of bruising or bleeding and affect blood sugar concentrations
  • Alcohol or
  • Antihistamines or
  • Hypnotics or
  • Sedatives—May increase the chance of side effects (i.e., drowsiness)

Other medical problems—The presence of other medical problems may affect the use of ketotifen. Make sure you tell your doctor if you have any other medical problems, especially:

  • Diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes)—May alter low-sugar diet (syrup contains carbohydrates)
  • Epilepsy—May increase risk of convulsions (seizures)

Proper Use of This MedicineReturn to top

Make certain your health care professional knows if you are on any special diet, such as a low-sugar diet. The syrup contains carbohydrates.

Ketotifen is used to help prevent asthma attacks. It will not relieve an asthma attack that has already started.

Ketotifen must be taken continuously in order to be effective.

Continue taking your current asthma medications until instructed otherwise by your doctor.

Ketotifen may be taken with or without food.


The dose of ketotifen will be different for different patients. Follow your doctor's orders or the directions on the label. The following information includes only the average doses of ketotifen. If your dose is different, do not change it unless your doctor tells you to do so.

  • For oral dosage form (tablets and syrup):
    • For asthma:
      • Adults and children 3 years of age and older—The usual dose is 1 milligram (mg) (1 tablet or 5 milliliters [mL] of syrup) twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening.
      • Infants and children from 6 months to 3 years of age—Dose is based on body weight and must be determined by the doctor. It is usually 0.25 mL (50 mcg or 0.05 mg) of syrup per kilogram (kg) (110 micrograms [mcg] or 0.110 mg per pound) of body weight twice daily, once in the morning and once in the evening.

Missed dose—

If you miss a dose of this medicine, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not double doses.


To store this medicine:

  • Keep out of the reach of children.
  • Do not store tablets in the bathroom, near the kitchen sink, or in other damp places. Heat or moisture may cause the medicine to break down.
  • Do not keep outdated medicine or medicine no longer needed. Ask your health care professional how you should dispose of any medicine you do not use. Be sure that any discarded medicine is out of the reach of children.

Precautions While Using This MedicineReturn to top

It is very important that your doctor check your progress at regular visits.This will allow your doctor to see if the medicine is working properly and to decide if you should continue to take it. If your symptoms worsen, you should check with your doctor.

This medicine may cause some people to become drowsy, dizzy, or less alert than they are normally. Make sure you know how you react to this medicine before you drive, use machines, or do anything else that could be dangerous if you are dizzy or are not alert.

This medicine may cause some people to become excited, irritable, or nervous or to have trouble in sleeping. These are symptoms of central nervous system stimulation and are especially likely to occur in children.

For patients with diabetes:

  • The syrup form of this medicine may affect blood sugar levels. If you notice a change in the results of your blood or urine sugar tests or if you have any questions, check with your doctor.

Side Effects of This Medicine

Side Effects of This MedicineAlong with its needed effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.

Check with your doctor as soon as possible if any of the following side effects occur:

  • Less common
    • Chills; cough; diarrhea; fever; general feeling of discomfort or illness; headache; joint pain; loss of appetite; muscle aches and pains; nausea; runny nose; shivering; sore throat; sweating; trouble sleeping; unusual tiredness or weakness; vomiting
  • Rare
    • Abdominal or stomach pain; blistering, itching, peeling, or redness of skin; bloody or cloudy urine; clay-colored stools; convulsions; dark urine; difficult, burning, or painful urination; dizziness ; frequent urge to urinate; muscle spasm or jerking of all extremities; rash ; sudden loss of consciousness; unpleasant breath odor; vomiting of blood; yellow eyes or skin
  • Symptoms of overdose Get emergency help immediately if any of the following symptoms of overdose occur
    • Blurred vision; confusion; convulsions; disorientation; dizziness; drowsiness (severe); faintness or lightheadedness when getting up from a lying or sitting position; fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse; hyperexcitability; loss of consciousness; palpitations; sweating; unusual tiredness or weakness

Other side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. However, check with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome.

  • More common
    • Weight gain
  • Less common or rare
    • Bloody nose; drowsiness; dryness of mouth; excitation; increased appetite; irritability; nervousness; swelling of eyelids; unexplained nosebleeds

Other side effects not listed above may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your doctor.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Petua badan gatal

Oleh kerana akif sering sahaja gatal-gatal badan, nenek saya@moyang akif telah memberi petua ini.

bahan-bahan yang diperlukan:

  • air
  • asam keping/asam gelugor

Cara menyediakan:

  • Masukkan air dan asam tadi ke dalam periuk dan rebus sehingga mendidih.
  • Sejukkan air rebusan tersebut
  • Mandikan bayi anda dengan air rebusan tersebut.
  • Tidak perlu menyiram air bersih selepas memandikan dengan air rebusan asam ini.

Insya Allah hilang gatal-gatal ....


Sudah lama tak mandikan akif dengan air rebusan asam ini.Insya Allah hujung minggu ni boleh buat.

according to this article, SIDS a disease.

Scientists 'discover cause of cot death'

Thursday November 2, 2006

Scientists believe they have solved the mystery of cot death, the leading killer of children in their first year of life.

A study of victims of sudden infant death syndrome (Sids) has revealed that they had an abnormality in the brain that prevented it realising their bodies did not have enough oxygen.

The effect of the abnormality is that babies may suffocate if they become smothered by bedclothes, especially if sleeping on their fronts.

The finding "takes the mystery away from Sids", said Marian Willinger, a researcher at the US National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, which financed the study.

"It should take the guilt away from any parent who has lost a baby, because they always wonder, 'What did I do wrong?' Now, they need to understand, 'My baby had a disease'."

The researchers from Boston Children's Hospital said the finding was the strongest evidence yet of a common cause for cot death, the cause of which has been a mystery to specialists.

It opens the possibility of detecting infants at risk - possibly through a scan in the womb - and treating them.

Some mothers have been jailed for murder after the unexplained deaths of their babies.

In New Zealand, about 50 babies die from cot death each year.

In Britain, 300 babies died last year, 16 per cent fewer than in 2004 and less than a third of the number 20 years ago.

The Back to Sleep campaign in the early 1990s which urged parents to put babies to sleep on their backs is credited with bringing about the dramatic fall.

Greater alertness and better ways of determining causes of death have also contributed to the decline.

The researchers studied samples from the brainstems of 31 cot death babies and compared them with samples from 10 babies who died of other causes.

They found abnormalities in the brain stems of the cot death babies affecting the way they used the brain chemical serotonin.

Serotonin is best known for its role in depression and regulating mood, but it also influences breathing, body temperature and arousal from sleep.

"This finding lends credence to the view that Sids risk may greatly increase when an underlying predisposition combines with an environmental risk - such as sleeping face down - at a sensitive time in early life," said Dr Duane Alexander, director of the National Institute of Child Health.

Hannah Kinney, the paper's senior author, said: "These findings provide evidence that sudden infant death syndrome is not a mystery but a disorder that we can investigate, and some day may be able to identify and treat."

Most babies will wake up, turn over, and start breathing faster when their carbon dioxide levels rise.

But in babies who die from Sids, defects in the serotonin system may impair these reflexes.

Such circumstances are far more likely to arise if a baby is placed face down in the cot.

Auckland paediatrician Dr Shirley Tonkin, of the Cot Death Association, said: "We've never really been able to explain why some babies don't wake up, and this research explains why to some extent."

But she said parents still needed to be careful. "You can't tell by looking at a baby which one will get into trouble and which one won't.

"You still shouldn't smoke during pregnancy or around babies, you should put babies on their backs and they should sleep in their own space in the parents' room."

She wasn't surprised at the findings, saying: "We've had inklings of this before."

She hoped the findings would help parents who had lost babies to cot death.

"This research explains to parents that what they do for one child they might not be able to do for another. If one baby was OK on its tummy, the next one might not be."

Comment: Risaunya. semoga kita dijauhi dari penyakit-penyakit ini.


Semalam,mummyakif bawa akif ke klinik untuk ambil ubat dan 'check' akif yang sedang batuk-batuk serta gatal-gatal. Sebelum berjumpa dengan doktor seperti biasa akif perlu ditimbang. Sebaik sahaja diletakkan di atas penimbang

"opsss....Dah out of the scale" kata nurse.

Jadi akif terpaksa ditimbang di atas penimbang orang dewasa. Nasib baik akif mahu berdiri, kalau tidak susahlah nak timbang..dan dengan ini diumumkan berat akif sudah mencecah 12kg.

Kuranglah sikit rasa risau mummy apabila akif tak nak minum EBM. Tapi mummy tetap berharap akif akan terus minum EBM ketika di 'school'.

Akif sekarang haiwan berkaki 4 semuanya dia kata itu 'cat' .Penat nak terangkan..Walau berkali-kali betulkan dia tetap dengan 'cat'. kelakar pula.....Semalam dia tengok gambar 'tiger'..bila ditanya.."what is this", dia jawap "cat".Bila mummy betulkan..."No baby, this is not cat.This is tiger.." Dia geleng-geleng kepala tanda tak setuju...adussss :)

Photo below is 12kg's Akif on Nov 15. (camera phone)

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Pam di 'toilet'

Bagi saya mengepam susu di 'toilet' meruapakn 'last option'. Jika memang sudah tiada pilihan, jka memang sudah terpaksa. Toilet kan tempat ehem ehem..paham2lah ya....Rasa macam tak sesuai pula nak perah susu then bagi anak minum. Opss..ibu-ibu yang tiada pilihan tempat...jangan pula terasa jika itu sahaja tempat yang anda ada...terpaksalah...

Terlintas pula..kalau perah kat toilet.kalian guna bilik-bilik kecil tu ke?atau pun kalian guna ruangan luar?

Pada pendapat saya lebih baik guna ruangan luar dr ruangan bilik yg ada 'tandas'. Ruangan luarkan lebih luas dan bersih ....

Ohh malu ya....Pada pendapat saya ...Tak perlulah malu-malu..Kita bukan mencuri.Betul tak??

Saya sekarang mengepam di 'clinic'. Di syarikat saya bekerja ini ada 'in plan clinic'. jadi bolehlah tumpang kat sana...Alhamdulillah....

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Breast milk (again)

walaupun sudah berkali-kali saya 'update' di sini tentang breast milk..hari ini saya masih ingin terus 'paste' lagi..
Untuk peringatandiri sendiri....

Milk - human; Human milk


Breast milk is the perfect source of nutrition for infants. Breast milk contains appropriate amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. It also provides digestive enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and hormones that all infants require. Breast milk contains valuable antibodies from the mother that may help the baby resist infections.
Healthy infants have adequate iron stores to last until 8 months of age. Iron-rich foods can be started at this age. (See diet for age.) Your pediatrician or dietitian may recommend fluoride supplementation in communities where water is not fluoridated (areas with less than 0.25 p.p.m. fluoride).
Cow's milk by itself is inappropriate for infants less than 1 year old. The infant may develop an allergy to dairy products if given cow's milk too early in life. Although cow's milk contains most of the same components as breast milk, these components are not in the same amounts. Cow's milk also lacks the immune factors (antibodies) that help protect infants until their own immune system fully develops.
Commercially prepared formulas may be based on non-fat cow's milk, whey protein, or soy protein. In order to provide a balanced diet for an infant, formulas must be fortified with carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. The antibodies found in breast milk, however, can never be added to formulas.


Milk is produced in small sac-like glands in the breast. These sacs develop after specific hormones (such as estrogen, progesterone, pituitary prolactin, and placental lactogen) stimulate them, beginning during the second trimester of pregnancy.
The human breast does not store a large volume of milk, as cows do. Suckling stimulates the release of a hormone (prolactin) which stimulates milk production and the release of another hormone (oxytocin). Oxytocin, in turn,stimulates contraction (or the "let-down reflex") of the milk glands. The milk is squeezed out of the milk gland, into the milk ducts, and into the nipple.
At the beginning of the feeding, the milk is bluish and contains lactose and proteins, but little fat; it is called foremilk. The end of the feeding produces hindmilk. The hindmilk contains more fat, the main source of energy for your baby. If breast milk is allowed to sit for half-an-hour after being expressed, the "cream" separates and settles on top of the watery part. This is because human milk isn't homogenized, the process that makes the water and fat portion in milk stay blended.

Some mothers feel a tingling sensation as the milk begins to eject from the breast due to the let-down reflex. The best way to monitor whether this milk-ejection reflex has begun is by watching the sucking and breathing patterns of your baby.
At the start of a feeding, you will notice a pattern: suck, suck, suck, swallow, suck, suck, suck, swallow. This pattern may last up to 30 seconds, but could be longer. As the milk ejection reflex takes over, the pattern may be described as gulping: one swallow, one deep breath, one swallow, one deep breath. This pattern may last for 2 - 4 minutes.
Your baby may want to nurse longer (maybe 15 or 20 minutes) on this breast in order to get more fat from the hindmilk or because your baby needs to fill a need for sucking. Rather than watching the clock to let him nurse 10 minutes on each side, you may want to allow your baby to pull away from the first breast naturally before switching to the other breast.

Your milk supply will be established during the first few days and weeks after the birth of your baby. Nursing early (within the first half-hour), and frequently (on demand, or 8 - 12 times per day), allows you to nurse comfortably and efficiently. It usually takes less than 1 minute for an infant to stimulate the milk ejection reflex. You should feel little discomfort or pain when breast feeding appropriately.
Within 6 - 8 weeks, your milk supply will adjust to your baby's needs. Before that time, your breasts may feel either too full or empty. Frequent, comfortable feedings will maintain your milk supply. Your milk supply will increase or decrease based on your baby's hunger and energetic sucking (milk demand or use). Changes in your milk supply will occur within 1 - 3 days after changes in milk demand or use.


When storing milk for home use, wash your hands before expressing (pumping). Use containers that have been washed in hot, soapy water and rinsed well. Always date the milk before storing it.
Fresh breast milk can be kept at room temperature up to 10 hours, and refrigerated up to 1 week. Frozen milk can be kept in a freezer compartment inside the refrigerator for 2 weeks; in a separate door refrigerator/freezer up to 3 or 4 months; and in a deep freezer at constant 0 degrees for 6 months. Frozen and thawed milk can be refrigerated for up to 9 hours, but it should not be refrozen.

Plastic containers are the best for storing breast milk. For freezing, use small (2 or 3 ounce) containers to avoid the waste of unused portions at the end of the day. Refrigerated milk and frozen milk should be warmed under a stream of warm tap water. Never microwave breast milk -- overheating destroys valuable nutrients and "hot spots" can scald your baby.

saya tak minum TEH

Saya memang tak minum Teh...Teh yang dihasilkan dari daun Teh...Entahlah kenapa.Pada mulanya sebab, emak dan nenek saya kata kena pantang sebab Teh ni 'sejuk' tak elok untuk ibu baru bersalin dan ibu yang menyusukan anak. Bermula dari pantang itulah saya sudah tidak 'tertarik' lagi dengan Teh.

TEH HERBA. Ini nama sahaja 'TEH' tapi tak ada sehelai pun daun teh. TEH HERBA ini guna daun pegaga...
Nampaknya saya perlu buat kajianlah tentang daun TEH ni..apa ya nama saintifik untuk TEH ni???:P
OK i got this from

Just wanna share with all

Ini adalah 'comment' yang saya hantar ke forum SI.

saya nak share sedikit pendapatlah kat sini...kepada ibu2 yg baby baru 2-3 bulan.U all patut guna saat keemasan ini utk kumpul stok...setelah 2 bln direct bf then masuk kerja...awal2 tu susu bnyk kan?so jgn buang masa pamlah sungguh2...dan..kalau susu tak bnyk ..masa2 mcm nilah gunakan sepenuhnya utk bnykkan susu..kerana masih awal lg..kilang masih aktif..saat2 awal ni amat penting utk berjaya dalam dunia penyusuan susu ibu ni.Kalau anda rasa skrg ni susu anda bnyk dan anda leka...nnt anda akan menyesal...masa bnyk nilah kita kena pulun....walaupun stok bertimbun2...pastikan anda masih buat stok jgn sekali2 alpa..jgn terpengaruh dgn mereka yg tidak pernah berjaya dlm dunia penyusuan susu ibu ini.anda mampu melakukannya....
end... those yg pam sekali je kat opis tu saya cadangkan...buatlah dua kali.....masa...inilah pentingnya disiplin diri....saya...kalau tak ada masa korbankan masa rehat saya..tak yah mkn pun tak pe....asalkan saya pam..mkn ni buleh curi2 time...dlm dok kalut2 buleh lg sumbat apa2 mknn masuk mengepam kena ambil masa dan kena tenang.....
dan jaga permakanan...makanlah mknn yg berkhasiat..ok
Picture below is Akif on hari raya